Everything is falling into place

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The sun began to rise and James and Eric were still at the cottage as it didn't seem that the wizards where giving up. No matter how many times James threw them against the wall the wizards kept fighting. Eric on the other hand was exhausted and felt like he was going to collapse as to how tired he was but he tried to stay strong by James side.

While James was fighting off Dumang and Gantlos; Ogron made his way to Eric this is too easy he said and with one hit Eric weapon had fell out of his hand and clattered against the floor. Ogron drew his sword and held it to Eric's head. Hey James he called out, one wrong move and he'll be dead so be careful what you do I wonder what will happen when Frieda figures out he's dead so many possibilities maybe one including a total state of depression, but you know when something happens in your life that person tends to move to the dark side I wonder if that will happen if I kill her boyfriend here. You get to decide his fate one wrong move he'll be dead by morning but if you drop your weapons I'm sure we can work out a solution.


Morning had come quickly. Exiting her room she knocked on James door but their was no answer, he was probably sleeping in they did leave him and Eric with the wizards last night. Moving from his door Frieda found herself at Flora's door knocking Flora opened the door and let her in. Frieda and Flora wanted to keep the friendship that they had even if the Winx didn't approve. Thanks again for saving me last night.

No problem but it wasn't just me James and Eric played a big factor too speaking of James where is he Flora asked looking around to try and spot him.

Stopped by his door on the way here but no answer I figured he was sleeping in so I decided not to disturb him.

Okay so then what's your plan for us to gain believix.


What can't a girl be curious.

Okay. Okay I'll tell you.


You sound like a child.

Maybe I do but that's what makes me unique so deal with it. Now spill how are all seven of us going to gain it when they all can't stand you.

Well you see Flora we just all need to be in the same place and convince the last fairy on Earth that fairies are real. I mean I know it's hard to believe because I thought the same thing but maybe if she saw that we really are real then maybe she'll believe us and we'll gain believix. It's not the best plan but unless you've got another idea. I know the Winx are trying to make sure I don't gain believix Ms. F is trying too; they believe I can't fight this, they believe that I've gone evil at some point because of my water stars. It's mad isn't it to think that a small tiny object can do all that. I've lost my friendship with them when I told them I was fighting. I don't understand why they don't want me to but I'm going to. I'm going to fight the wizards and I'm going to gain believix. It's crazy that one little thing can cause so much destruction how my water star can destroy who knows what. And the Winx's hate can destroy anyone.

Frieda, there not in there right mind you'll see when this is over everything will return back to normal. When this is over we can all be friends again.

That's the thing Flora. I'm not sure if they're going to want me as there friend again. Ahh

Frieda what's wrong?

I sense someone's pain Violete told me it's one of the many "abilities" I have I can hear people's conversations I can feel mainly fairies pain and much more. She said it would come slowly I already started hearing people's conversations and now I suppose I can feel others pain. Well isn't that jolly.

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