Reunited At Last

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Frieda had enough of everything.  She wasn't waiting any longer, and she knew exactly what she had to do. Looking both ways making sure no humans where in sight she teleported away from Gardenia. Frieda found herself in front of a familiar place she smiled as she rang the bell.

A young girl not over the age seven had opened the door her eyes went big as she saw who was at the door. Frieda! Frieda! You're back! I miss you! Did you get a cool new power?

Frieda laughed at her sister's happiness. Don't worry I promise I'll catch you up in all due time. Where's mom.

She went out, her sister answered.

Rebbeca called a voice from upstairs. Who was at the door.

Deborah, come down! Come down! You won't believe it, Frieda's home! Rebbeca called out to the eleven year old upstairs.

Quickly paced footsteps could be heard coming down the steps. Hello Frieda, Deborah said to her older sister. So how's the magic world treating you.

Good. I promise I'll catch you all up on it later. It feels good to be home. She said as she looked around.

So Deborah said while sitting on the couch, why are you here? There must be a reason you came back to Brooklyn no?

Yes there is a reason and I'll catch you both up when I tell mom. So did one of you take over my own room or is it still like it was how I left it this summer Frieda asked.

Just like you left it I'll call you down when mom gets home. Dad is working late tonight so you might not see him. How long will you be staying here anyways. Deborah asked curiously.

For long as I need too; you'll understand everything when I tell you what I've been up too since we last saw each other in the summer at dinner tonight. Now if you excuse me I'm going to head up to my room. Frieda said as she headed for the stairs. Once she reached the top of the staircase she walked a little before turning right and opening the door in front of her; before her was a pink room with a twin size bed and a desk across of it with a pink chair by it she looked around once more before taking in the smell of home. She closed the door to her room and sat on her bed. She knew walking away from the problem she was at wouldn't do anything good or useful to her but she needed to take a little distance from the Winx.

They thought she was crazy, but surely she hadn't been seeing things. It just didn't add up. And right before her eyes once again a flash of light came by but it didn't disappear so quickly instead it showed her the ocean, a merman, and a lot of pollution and then another flash of light came by quickly and the whole scene was gone before her eyes. Frieda looked around but their was no source as to where it could have came from. She was confused there was no way she imagined that whole thing, something wasn't adding up and it confused her. What had she seen, what did it mean, and more importantly how did she see it and why when she was with the winx could they not see it. It was annoying her that she didn't know what it was. Deciding to ignore whatever she saw Frieda decided that she would try to bring magic back to Brooklyn. She didn't want to see the winx until she figured out the situation and why it was happening and had proof that she wasn't crazy. Then she'd go back, or maybe she'll just wait a few days for it to blow over, but until then she had a plan of action to take place; she had to get the people in Brooklyn to believe in fairies.


I couldn't find her Flora announced to the Winx and mainly James. It's as if she just left.

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