The freeing of The Earth Faries and The Drama Under The Sea

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James looked around the familiar place, he could easily finish the event as he knew exactly everything that was to happen. Yet he didn't say, he had this feeling that Frieda was coming here, James thought no more about it because he turned around to see the Winx and Roxy up on their feet.

Where are we, Musa asked?

This is the prison of the earth fairies James answered.

If they were right near where the exit lays then, why didn't the fairies just escape, Flora asked?

Because it was the white circle that'd be able to free them, there where four yet the wizards destroyed them so the Earth fairies could never escape. The only one remaining and the only thing that can free them, is the circle you wear on your finger, James explained.

Okay, so how do we get out of hear, Stella asked?

I already went through this Stella, rely on yourself and your friends and you'll do fine, James answered.

We can try a convergence spell on the door, Tecna suggested.

That might just work Bloom said, let's try it, every one link hands. Ready? When she got no response she took it as a yes. Her and all the winx chanted, Believix Convergence and the door broke down.

Good job, I suppose you know what to do next James said calmly to Bloom and Roxy. The two girls nodded. Good James said we'll stop anything from coming for you, head to the center you'll know what do then.

Bloom nodded grabbing Roxy's hand, she navigated herself through the twist in the halls, heading towards the center. Yet they where blocked by the smoke creature.

Hey come and get me James called out to the creature. The creature approached James, yet it missed by a narrow inch. Nice try, but now it's my turn James said with a grin, reveling his sword he struck the monster. Well he turned to the two what are you standing around for, get to it he said as he lunged his sword at the monster once more.

Bloom and Roxy continued into the center room, there laid a pedestal with a circular carving in it. That's where you have to place it Roxy, Bloom said turning to the girl.

Roxy took the white circle off her finger allowing it to become bigger and she placed it on the pedestal, which caused a large amount of energy to emerge from it. What's it doing?

It's letting everyone know we are free.

You, your the woman from my dreams, Roxy exclaimed!

Yes I am Roxy.

Your Morgana, Queen of the warrior and earth fairies, James spoke up.

Ah yes, the prophecy Lila told did include a boy, yet it also included the princess of the rainbows but it don't see her Morgana said.

That's because you're not looking hard enough your majesty, Frieda said steeping into the light.

Frieda, Flora said turning around in excitement and ran to hug the girl.

James smiled softly he was glad to see her again.

Bloom approached the girl, Frieda she started...

Yet Frieda cut her off, it's okay, I heard, I heard everything. I forgive you Bloom.

Bloom hugged the girl, that's all I wanted.

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