Revisting old memories

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The winx sat in Love and Pet once more whispers from one to another could be heard from out of the hall. The girls were discussing what had happened that day and what happened to Frieda.

It doesn't add up Roxy said to the girls obviously frustrated it doesn't make sense that Frieda fainted.

I know Roxy we're trying to figure it out as well, Musa said with a tired look it's been two hours since they returned from Tir Nan Og and the girls have been huddled up in the room trying to figure out what happened. Yet all the girls were curious to see what was going on down the hall in Frieda's room where Jame, Eric and Violete currently where trying to figure out a way to heal Frieda.

Flora sighed softly she hoped Frieda was okay. Flora started outside and looked at the rainbow in the sky, realizing the rainbow moon would be over soon. Um guys the rainbow moon is going to be over in a few minutes.

So what asked Stella obviously not putting two and two together.

Well I don't know maybe it's the fact that when it's over Frieda has to make the rainbow again and how will she do that if she's unconscious, Flora said.

She won't Bloom said realizing what Flora was talking about. Guys come on if we do a convergence heal it may be enough to snap Frieda out of unconsciousness.

The other girls nodded in agreement sprinting out of the room they where in the ran to Frieda's room throwing the door opened.

On the bed laid a pale Frieda the color drained from her face. The winx gasped as they saw they're friend.

Is she okay Aisha asked?

No but hopefully she will be Eric said. He then pointed to James and Violete, they've been trying any spell possible but nothing is waking her up.

Eric, Tecna said talking rapidly the rainbow moon is going to end in exactly 5 minuets if they can't heal her by then.....

Yet Tecna was cut of as Violete screamed and pulled away. Yeah James that spells not going to work, she said clearly exhausted.

James stayed silent as he tried to think of a spell that could work.

What about a convergence Bloom suggested if all of us pitch in we might be able to heal her.

And before the rainbow moon ends too Flora stated.

Roxy looked at Violete, how are you using magic if it's a rainbow moon?

That sword Frieda had she said pointing to it, somehow it had magic engraved into it. You can use it to do spells so I took a little so I could help try and help her. Violete sighed but nothing has worked yet and I don't have much left. We could wait for the rainbow moon to end; but that's very last minute and if we aren't able to heal her the rainbow won't be made and you girls know how important that is.

The winx nodded, take a break Violete we'll try a convergence. What do we have to lose Bloom said.

I'm okay with it. It's at least worth a shot. Violete said she turned to James your going to join in on the convergence.

James nodded.

Alright then come on Eric, Violete said dragging him with her out of the room.

Wait what... yet Eric didn't have time to continue his sentence as Violete pulled him out of the room.

You alright James, Flora asked.

Yeah, James said snapping back to himself. I'm just worried she should have woken by now.

I know, we're all worried. But let's hope this work if not we'll worry about it after; Flora said.

Are we ready Bloom asked? When everyone agreed; they all joined hands. Tecna how much more time do we have.

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