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Olivia had begged and pleaded with the council but they refused to hear her out. The council almost fully agreed to disposal the idea. Almost. You see something strange happened. The youngest council member stood up she was a young fairy with blonde hair and big green eyes. Excuse me she called out. I'd like to say something about the case.

The master council was very curious to hear what the youngest had to say. He nodded at her to tell her to go on.

Gulping the young girl realized what was in her hands. She took a deep breath and began to speak. Fellow council members I know I am the youngest of all but please hear me out and respect what I have to say as you would to any council member. Olivia you stated that the fairy you where assigned to wished for the full ability to be able to change into her enchantix at will is this correct.

Yes Olivia responded.

Is it also correct that this fairy is Princess Frieda of Rainbow Valley.

Yes this is correct Olivia said.

Is it true that you weren't able to tell the council why the girl would wish for something that has never been done before.

Yes she replied quickly.

Members of the council it is stated that we should hear the full story before going to vote and closing the case. In the case we have here Olivia hadn't finished the full story as we can not close the case until she does and after she tells us the full story I want us all to review the options here before we vote. No one should vote the same thing as before just because they don't care. It is our job to help bring happiness and peace to fairies and the full story might surprise you and make you change your answer. So please if we can direct our attention to Olivia and hear what she has to say. When ever you're ready.

Olivia took a deep breath. Members of the council Frieda has wished for this for a purpose. Someone close to her has recreated her enchantix.

Someone by the name James he was the visitor from the other world the youngest member explained.

Well yes you see he recreated Frieda's enchantix and well Frieda isn't sure when she'll see him again and as he made that himself for her it holds great meaning to her and since Frieda had just gained her believix she had lost this connection this piece of her she found. The enchantix holds the only thing the boy has ever given her. The enchantix held a piece of herself she never knew until she found it. This enchantix had been made specifically for her and now she's lost it. So she summoned me and wished for her full enchantix. I'm sure we all remember how much our enchantix meant to us I'm sure you can imagine how much it means to her if you accept.

Is that all Olivia the youngest member asked.

Yes Olivia said.

Members of the council we have heard the full story. Now please review your vote and we shall make it official if this fairy will get her wish.

Silence was all she heard as she sat there impatiently she did all she could. Now it was out of her hands.

Members of the council have we all decided. When everyone had nodded the youngest spoke up again. All in favor of agreeing to the terms of giving the fairy the ability to change into her enchantix as she wishes please raise your hand.

I stared around me every single hand was up. I gave a thanks to the girl who helped me. As I stared at my hands. I Olivia guardian of the gift of destiny for the fairy of the rainbow herby grant her wish to access her enchantix when ever she chooses. For a second my hands glowed and then the whole council was clapping. I had did it of course with some help from Lila. Lila, Lila I can't thank you enough for standing up for me back there.

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