The gift of destiny

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The doorbell rang as the girl quickly slid across the floor to opening it hoping for it to be her father so she could explain why she left work early but to Roxy's dismay her father wasn't the one at the door. Hi James she not here.

James looked at the girl before peeking behind her.

She left right after she came back here. She found a house. I wish I could tell you where it is but I don't know myself. Frieda said she'd text me the address as soon as she got there but I didn't get a text. Roxy explained as she saw James pull something from his pocket.

A phone like this James said pulling out Frieda's phone.

Yes exactly but why do you have it. Shouldn't Frieda have it. Roxy asked confused.

Yes she should she left it behind when she left. Now that I think about it she also destroyed the necklace that let her get in contact with the winx meaning she has no way of contacting anyone do you get where I'm going with this.

You think the wizards are behind this? To get her? But how would they know Frieda was looking for a house, how would they know she would come there? The chances are so off. Roxy said but even as she said it she began to worry. We have to find her this can be bad really bad.

Well I didn't suggest that I just thought she was actually here and maybe with her phone popping up she'd pop up. Yet now that you bring the wizards into perspective it could be bad. But we can't accuse that they would know. Yet again we can't accuse that they don't know either. Know what I think I'm just going to find her and convince her to come back and all will be well.

I'm not sure James she was pretty heated especially when the winx tried to lunge at her. It's not you she wants to hear it's them. The apology of the winx is all it will do and then she'll be back to her normal life if her life is normal. But hey to save you time from traveling from house to house, why don't you just stay here Frieda said she'd come over around lunch time to help me with some more spells I've learned only a few simple ones but Frieda says I'm doing well. Of course we haven't had time for actual combat spells yet but I hope to learn some. That way if I ever do come across the wizards I can defend myself.

Well if you want I can help you out Roxy I'll help you out till Frieda gets here.

That'll be awesome thanks James the girl squealed in delight.


Frieda had been looking at the house for a while, contemplating if she wanted it. She knew if she did this it could officially end things with the winx, she wasn't sure if she wanted to do that. She loved having friends especially the winx they where apart of her. Yet the way the girls have been treating her for the last few months had been bothering Frieda. She wanted to stay friends with them but how does one befriend people who where mean to her. She wished she talked to James, the boy always knew what to say and do to resolve a problem. She wished she hadn't yelled at them even if they deserved it they where her friends. It seemed the girl no longer knew what to think of the situation. She sighed slowly, getting up she began to make her way out of the house. Waving goodbye to the house owner Frieda found herself roaming the streets. She glanced down the street where she knew Love and Pet was debating whether to go down and have a peak through the window but the girl decided against it remembering she told Roxy she'd help her train. Looking around to make sure no one was looking Frieda teleported away. She now stood in front of Roxy's home she lifted her hand and knocked. When no one answered she decided to just walk in as Roxy said she was aloud to stay for as long as she wanted. Roxy? Roxy? The girl called out yet there was no answer. Walking around Frieda then heard a voice she identified as Roxy's going through the side door she was relieved to see her friend. Yet when she looked across from the girl she was met with once again James. Hello James pleasure seeing you here. She said as she turned to face Roxy. Sorry I'm late got caught up and lost track of time.

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