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(Picture of Kaori's Dad above)

"Kaori... Kaori, can you hear me? Please, wake up."

Was that my father's voice? I oepned my eyes and stared at a ceiling I didn't recognize. "Kaori! Thank god, you're okay!" Dad said as I saw his face. "Dad?" I whispered. "Oh, thank god!" He said, relieved as he hugged me.

"What... happened to me?" I asked. "A person saw you in the alley and called an ambulance. You're in the hospital, sweetie." Dad explained. That's right, I remember being stabebd by a man... and he was eating someone.

"What's the matter, honey? You look like you wanna say something." Dad noticed. "It's nothing. I just... I saw this girl and then... I don't remember anything past that." I said. "It's okay, sweetie. It's going to be okay now." Dad said as he hugged me again.

I hugged him back as I was relieved to be alive. But that girl I saw... what happened to her? I didn't imagine her, did I?

I was checked out of the hospital and my Dad and I went home. "Would you like something to eat, sweetheart?" Dad asked. "Just some pizza please. I'm going to my room to lay down. I'm kind of tired." I explained.

My Dad acknowleged and I went to my room. I lied down on my bed as I gazed out the window. After a few minutes, there was a knock at my door. "Come in." I answered. I sat up as my Dad entered the room with a plate of pizza.

"Thanks, Dad." I said as he handed me the plate. "I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you want me to pick you up anything?" He asked. "No, thank you." I said. My dad smiled and kissed my forehead. "See you in a bit, sweeite." He said, then left.

I waved at him as he left, then went to eat my pizza. The moment the food hit my tongue, I spit it out while coughing a little. Why does it taste so bad? I know Dad didn't overheat it or anything like that. So, why does it taste so awful?

I got off my bed and went into the kitchen to find something else to eat. I rummaged through my fridge until I found some chicken. I heated it up in the microwave, then put it on a plate once it was done.

I bit into it and that tasted awful, too. I coughed while throwing up the food. What the hell is going on? Has the food gone bad or something? I got a glass of milk and took a sip. My eyes widened at the taste and I threw up the milk in the sink.

"I don't understand. Why does everything I eat taste bad?" I asked. There was a knock at the door, so I went to go answered. "Yes?" I answered, once I opened the door. "Hi, are you Taji Rikuto?" The mailman asked.

"No, that's my father. I'm his daughter." I said. "Oh, well, I have a package for him. Could you make sure he gets this?" He asked, handing me the package. "Yeah, no problem." I said, taking the package. I looked down at his arm.

Suddenly, hunger took over me as my mouth began to water. "Um, are you okay?" The mailman asked me. I dropped Dad's package and grabbed the mailman's arm, pulling him inside the house. "H-Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" The mailman asked in a panic.

I closed the door and walked towards him as he was on the ground. I didn't have any control of my body. I didn't even know what I was doing. But I knew one thing for sure; I was hungry. I lunged at the mailman and bit down on his neck as blood spurt out.

He screamed bloody murder as I began to eat his flesh.

When I came to and when I had control of my body again, I looked down at the mailman as he laid there, dead. "Sir?" I asked. I gasped when I realized what I had done. "Oh, my god... What... What have I done?" I whispered.

What did I just do? When Dad comes home, what will he think? I can't show my face to him. I have to get away. I ran out of the house, running through the streets. I didn't even care that I was covered in blood and I didn't care who saw me.

I just had to get away. But it was raining, so I was hoping the rain would wash away most of the blood from my body. Get away from everyone before I did what I did to the mailman. I continued to run until I fell forward. 

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A man snapped as he walked past me. I stared down at the rain puddle in front of me as my eyes were red instead of green. "What... am I?" I asked, horrified. I picked myself up and continued to run. 

Taji's POV (Kaori's Dad)

"Kaori, I'm back! I'm sorry it took so long! You wouldn't believe how long the line was!" I called as I went into the kitchen. "Kaori?" I called as I set the groceries on the counter. "Kaori?" I called again. I went to check on her in her room, but I stopped when I saw a corpse in the living room.

"What the hell?" I asked. What happened here? I quickly ran upstairs to check on Kaori. "Kaori!" I called as I burst into her room. She wasn't there as I saw the slice of pizza on her bed. "Kaori!" I ran into the bathroom to see if she was there, but she wasn't.

Oh, god. Where did she go? I grabbed a phone and called 911. "911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, my daughter's missing and I don't know where she is!"

"Okay, sir. Calm down. Where did you last see your daughter?"

"I left the house to go to the store and when I came back, I found a corpse in the living room! Please, I need you to find my daughter!"

"Don't worry, sir. Policemen are on their way to look at the scene and we're sending a search party to look for your daughter."

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