((I suppose I should apologize for making a freaking Reynolds Pamphlet with Lafayette'a family, staring with Entry Nine, but once I saw this letter he sent Adrienne in 1777, I couldn't resist. I'm sorry for how angsty this has become.))
Dear diary
"7 June You will admit, dear heart, that the occupation and the life I am to have are very different from those which were in store for me in the futile journey to Italy. Defender of that liberty that I idolize, coming myself freer than anyone else to offer the services of a friend to that interesting republic, I bear with me only my sincerity and my good will; no ambition, no personal interest. In laboring for my own glory, I labor for the prosperous issue of their efforts. I hope on my account you will become a good American. It is a sentiment suited to virtuous hearts. The welfare of America is bound closely to the welfare of all humanity. She is to become the honored and safe asylum of liberty! Adieu! Darkness does not suffer me to continue longer. But if my fingers were to follow my heart, I should need no daylight to tell you how I suffer far away from you, and how I love you."
.....Puts things in perspective, doesn't it? What first made you smile now seems like nothing but empty promises...
((I'm so sorry, Adrienne! You deserve so much better than this!))