Song Tag #2

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I wanted to do this again, and I got tagged. So here we go! The goal of this tag is to put your music on shuffle and take the first line of the first 10 songs and create madness.

For this tag I will be using songs from two different playlists: Mine and Amarth's.
Yes the dude has a playlist, he figured out what Spotify was and there was no going back.

You guys can guess which playlist belongs to who.


You might I'm crazy

Now there you go again you say you want your freedom

Who's gonna tell you when it's too late

I look at all the lonely people

Death surrounds, my heartbeat's slowing down

I'm holding on your rope got me ten feet off the ground

All the right friends in all the right places

So I walk alone, down the darkest roads

Long time no see, show time for you and me

The secret side of me, I never let you see

Bonus points for anyone who guesses these songs.

Alright playlist two!

A flower for your vanity, a penny for your thoughts

Are you, are you, coming to the tree

I'm sick of waking to the presence of the enemy

You started out innocent

Nothing ever stops all these thoughts and the pain attached to them

Tried to walk together, but the night was growing dark

In another time, we would be as one

There's a grief that can't be spoken

I had a dream, of the wide open prairie

No more talk of darkness

There you have it folks.
I tag anyone interested in doing this.

Alright I'm out

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