Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I couldn't believe that I had actually agreed to go on this vacation with Gbenga. A whole week with him. Just thinking about it made me nervous. I wasn't sure why though. 

A knock on the door disturbed my thoughts. 

"Dami!" Khadijat yelled. "Your friend is here."

I stared at my unclosed suitcase and let out a sigh. 

"Gbenga! Can you come help please?" I begged. 

"You do realize you're only leaving for one week right?" I heard him before I saw him. 

"Tcheww, my friend just help me."

I looked at him expectantly as he stood at my door. 

"Well are you planning to help or not?" 

He approached me and pushed me of the suitcase I was sitting on. With almost no effort, he closed what I had spent twenty minutes trying to close. 

"Show off" I said spitefully.

He smirked. "Don't hate. The world needs its share of weak people too, don't worry." 

I playfully slapped him. I attempted to drag my suitcase off my bed but didn't get too far. I began mentally cursing myself for packing so many shoes. I looked up to see Gbenga giving that signature smirk of his. 

"How about putting that strength of yours to use instead of staring at me like a goat?" 

He laughed.  "Demanding and weak. Is this what I have to look forward to this whole break?" He asked.

I slapped the back of his head. "Just go my friend. We have a flight to catch."


"Can this weather be any more perfect? And look at the water! Its so blue!" 

"Yeah. Its pretty great." He replied.

I think 'pretty great' was kind of an understated way of describing the place. Gbenga's vacation house was glorious. It was a two-story bungalow with a massive backyard that led right to the beach. The house was simple and modern. The atmosphere was so serene. 

I stood on the balcony and took in the salty ocean air. I could hear the voices of children playing on the beach. 

"Its amazing right?" He asked.

I nodded as I closed my eyes. "Its perfect." 

I opened my eyes to find Gbenga next to me. I couldn't help but notice how attractive his profile was. He noticed me looking at him and turned to meet my eyed. Heat rushed to my ears. I was almost scared that he might have heard my thoughts. 

"So what do you have planned for this week?" I asked. More to distract myself than him. 

"Oh nothing special. But you'll have fun, don't worry." 

He noticed the skeptical look on my face. 

"Oh what? I'm not planning to kill you or anything. Don't you trust me?" 

The question made me erupt in laughter. I noticed the onset of a frown on his face and forced myself to stop. 

"I'm sorry, no, I trust you."

He faked mock hurt. "Hm. I don't think I believe you Miss Damilola." He said teasingly. 

I stepped closer to him. "Oh come on now, I'm serious. I trust you." 

His smile revealed his teeth. Unlike Ekene's they weren't perfect. They were somewhat yellow, and one of his middle teeth was chipped. But I like it. It made him imperfect. Like me.

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