once | guilty or not guilty?

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{a|n; i'm not an expert about the court system. this is all based on research. forgive me for any minor errors. this is just a work of fiction. read on lovelies! <3}

"All rise," the bailiff bellows across the room while everyone stands up except the judge, "Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Reid presiding. Please be seated."

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of Anzar Deangelo Wes Rodriguez-Valentine versus Darren Lyndon Gonzales Espanto," the judge announces, and both sides are ready, "Will the clerk please swear in the jury?"

"Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand?" the Clerk begins and waits for everyone to stand, "Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say "I do"," the jurors say 'I do', "You may be seated."

Both sides say their opening statements, and then it's time for the witnesses to testify. The Bailiff takes Evangeline to the witness stand.

"Please stand. Raise your right hand," the Clerk orders Evangeline, "Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

"I do," Evangeline smiles innocently, her facial expression showing pity; however, her eyes spoke otherwise. How is that love, Evangeline? Blaming Darren? All just to avoid your own downfall?

"Please state your full name."

"Evangeline Maricar Chanel Roosevelt, uh...Baboyan-Roosevelt, sir," she states, embarrassed of her true name from her biological father. Yes, Evangeline, I knew that since The Voice Kids. Surprised?

"You may be seated," the Clerk utters.

The Attorney begins the questioning, "Evangeline, why were you in Tenerife with Anzar?"

"Anzar is my boyfriend."

"How do you two know each other?"

"We met when he was competing in The Voice Kids Season One, we were 13."

"How long have you been together as a couple?"

"Since...this month. April 2nd."

"Do you believe that Anzar kidnapped Ava Marielle Vela-Sullivan and Darren Lyndon Gonzales Espanto and set Darren up?"

"I do not believe that, sir."

"How close are you to Darren Espanto?"

"He's my ex."

"Was Anzar seeking revenge on Darren because of this by kidnapping him and his girlfriend, Ava?"

"'A', Darren and Ava aren't official, and 'B', no."

"If you claim to be there on the night Darren was framed, why didn't Darren and Ava see you within the premises?"

"I was tied up by Darren Espanto," and as Evangeline claims that as if it were a joke, my tense body loosens, but before I make a scene, Vixie stops me.

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