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The match ended and Jiwoo and I went out of the court, we sat on a bench that was next to the lockers of the school.

-So... You like that new boy, Mathew?- She asked me while I was checking my phone.

-What?- I looked at her- No, that's ridiculous.

-Why is it ridiculous? I think you would make a cute couple.

-Well I don't. 

-B...- she tried to say but I started talking again.

-And I don't even know him like, he has been in this school for what? 3 days? He looks like one of those guys who thinks they are the coolest and every girls like them, like ew no. Just no.

-He winked at you- She pointed.

-So what? Maybe it was for you.

-It wasn't

-Maybe it's just a tic he has.

-Are you stupid, Somin?

-No, you are for thinking I like that dude.

-Talking about that dude. -She said while looking at something that was behind me, I looked back and saw Taehyung walking to us, next to Mathew... They were talking and laughing at something. I looked back at Jiwoo.

-I wanna go.- I said quickly.

-You're a pussy. You don't have to care anyways, I mean, you don't like him, right?

-Pf, no- I said

-Hey!- She said, but this time to the two guys that already are in front of us in the bench.- You guys played well.

-Yeah, it was good- Answered Taehyung, I was looking at my phone pretending I was paying attention to it and not their conversation.- Oh, sorry, this is Mathew, Mathew, this is Jiwoo, and this is Somin- he said while touching the top of my head.

-We already know each other, he is behind us in a class.

-Cool, then, we could hang out sometime.-Taehyung said.

-Something wrong, Somin?- Taehyung asked me. I didn't even say a word all this time.

-No, no... Um, I'm just tired and I gotta go do homework, so.

I got up from the bench, I looked at Jiwoo:

-Ask your parents that.- And I looked at Taehyung- Bye!- And then I made a mitake, I looked at Mathew, who was looking at me, it was so awkward, then I started walking out of the school.


Sorry for not updating, but I had some personal problems, and I didn't have a lot of inspiration. x

Insurgent // Bmin [BM x Somin] K.A.R.DWhere stories live. Discover now