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Jiwoo and I spent all morning together and at afternoon we decided to go get some ice creams to an ice cream shop that there was some minutes away from my house.

When we arrived Jiwoo bought a chocolate ice cream and I ordered a melon one.

We were already eating, talking about gossips and other stuff, when I saw Taehyung entering on the shop, he was alone.
I pointed to him with my head and Jiwoo turned around and saw him.

—Let's talk to him

—Not now, Jiwoo-I told her, but it was already too late because she was already screaming his name to get his attention.

He looked at us, not really happy, and he walked to our table.

—Hey,girls-he said.

—Hey, Taehyung, it's been a while- Jiwoo said, I wasn't looking at his eyes, I couldn't, so I kept my eyes on my ice cream.-Why don't you sit here and we talk a bit?

He sat next to Jiwoo, I appreciated that he did.

—Why don't you talk to us anymore?-Jiwoo said, she looked really sad and disappointed.

—You know, family problems, I've met a lot of new people this year too.

—That's no excuse-Jiwoo said, now looking furious.

—Yeah, I know and I'm...

—Why did you do that to Matthew?-I asked talking for the first time.

His face got pale suddenly.

—That's not your business, Somin. You shouldn't have came to the race.

—You haven't answered my question, Taehyung.

—That's something between Matthew and I.

—Why did you push him? Weren't you able to win without doing that?

—Of course I was.

—Then why did you do it?! Why did you change suddenly like this in a week?! -I screamed.

—Calm down. Listen, Matthew isn't the guy you think he is. He gets into a lot of trouble. You'll find the truth one day if you keep being his friend and he'll hurt you. The best you could do is stay away from him, Somin. I don't want you to suffer, we're friends after all.

I looked at him. His eyes didn't look at me the same they did before, is like he feels nothing now.

—You're not my friend.-I stand up and got out of the shop.

It was good to breath fresh air.
Jiwoo went behind me as I started walking back to my home.

—Somin!- I wasn't looking at her, I was really angry- We didn't pay the ice creams.

I felt really bad for that, but I thought 'whatever'.

I closed my house's door making a big noise.

—I knew talking with Taehyung would be worthless!-I threw my keys to the floor, they were the only thing I had on my hand.

—It wasn't worthless at all, Somin

—We didn't get any information. We're in the same situation.

—You need to calm down. Let's watch Netflix.

She grabbed my shoulders and took me to my sofa.


It was already 9pm when Jiwoo and I just had dinner and where about to go to my room and talk a bit.

We had a typical "girls night".


Someone hitting a metallic object woke me up.
Then Jiwoo woke up to.

I opened my eyes to see my mom hitting a pan with a big spoon.

—Mom-I jumped off of bed and hugged her nervously.-I thought you were coming today at afternoon- I scratched my head.

—I did come earlier, but it's still 2pm

—2pm?!- Jiwoo and I got surprised, we didn't go to sleep that late last night.

—Hi, Jiwoo- my mom said

—Hello, Siyeon- Jiwoo greeted my mom. Jiwoo is not unknown for my mom so they greet each other informally.-I think I should go, I gotta help my mom with some stuff.

—Sure, I'll let you girls change and Somin can accompany you home.

I nodded my head as I agreed.


Once I did everything my mom told me to I went to the kitchen were she was to talk with her.

—How was NYC?- I asked while sitting on a chair.

—I didn't have time to visit it as I wanted.

—And when will your next work travel be?

—I don't know, why? Do you want me to go already?

—No, mom. I just asked- I laughed.

—Well did anything interesting happened?

When my mom asked me, the images of Matthew and I kissing came to my head. Then kissing my neck, on the bed...

—No, mom, nothing- I smiled to try to look convincing.

Insurgent // Bmin [BM x Somin] K.A.R.DWhere stories live. Discover now