Chapter 1- Normal

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Evelyn's POV

I have been living amongst the human race for as long as I can remember. My human parents died a year ago in a car crash and since then I've been living with my best friend. Nothing has changed, except that I am now nineteen. "A year away from your full transformation." Casey would say with a grin on her face when she had noticed me drifting off into my thoughts.

Full transformation. The words always sent chills down my spine. I hadn't actually started changing, but the mere thought of knowing I would look worse than I usually did when I woke up every morning made my stomach turn. Casey on the other hand, was ever so anxious to see how hideous I would be. Her eagerness to share her changes with me made me even less excited about the whole idea. Casey had turned nineteen, six months earlier. Her fangs had already grown and her eyes turned yellow when her instincts took over. Normally her eye color was blue; it darkened when she let her bright red hair caress her smooth pale skin on the sides.

''What a waste of human features.'' I said a little too loud, just as Casey walked out of the door to join me on the steps. It was a morning ritual, sitting on the steps in front of our little apartment on West 9th street. It was located just off the shores of Lake Erie, in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Whoever had sent us here from our world, must have been drawn by the many churches that were here. Pretty good place to hide if you ask me...

"Earth to Evelyn...", I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of her voice and rolled my eyes when I realized the grin that was growing on her face.

"You could've just sat down you know..."

"I know, but where's the fun in that?'' Her face lit up as the mocking grin slowly crept onto it. ''Look, I'm leaving in a few minutes so if you could-''

I rolled my eyes at the sudden stop in her sentence, she's at it again, I thought as I turned my head to face her. Her eyes were yellow, her fangs were out, I could see the 'human' in her slowly fading. Oh no you don't... You can't half change here!

'' throat!" I gasped as I caught sight of the terror that escaped her eyes. I was freaking out, she didn't seem to know what to do but neither did I. I pulled her inside and she slumped over the kitchen counter which was a couple of steps to the right of the door...

"Blood... I need to hunt!''

''You aren't going to make it any further than the door! I'll go--''

''No!'' I couldn't rip my eyes away from her stare... she had almost entirely changed, and she was getting worse. Every time she drank blood, she became less human; and this was to be no exception. Drinking blood was inevitable. It was what we did. Once the craving took over one's body, even their kind were not safe. I had to figure some thing out...I took one last glance at her, turned my back and ran out the door. I had to find

Casey's POV

She left me! She had literally just turned her back towards me and left right after I clearly told her not to! it was clear wasn't it? I mean I did say 'No', in fact it sounded to me like I had screamed the words out of my mouth! Whether she heard me or not... she left! Evelyn's dramatic run. Yes, that's what I am going to call it. Just thinking about it was enough to fuel the anger that was already boiling with in me. How could she do that? I would have never...even thought... of doing that to her! Ok so maybe I'm over exaggerating a little but I do have a damn point. She's suppose to be here at my worst, and right now it sure does feel like I've hit rock bottom.

Evelyn's dramatic run had totally drawn me away from the agonizing reality that my body was changing. My bones were detaching from their ligaments. I could hear it, I could hear all of it; My bones breaking, each a second after the other, while being crushed by what felt like one of those bear traps that could cut a human's leg clean off. I could feel my blood boiling in my veins as they slowly melted like the face of someone who had just had burning oil splattered on it...

"Arrrggg!...My head, my freaking head! Aspirin, where the heck are the freaking- Evelyn!" I was screaming but that last part came out more like a loud, harsh piercing cry. Where did she put those pills. My body was shaking vigorously and the room was starting to spin... "Evelyn..." I said softly almost as if I was sobbing.

What is that awful smell, ugh, the neighbors' garbage. This is bad. This is really bad. It won't be long before- "Blood." The scent was strong, almost as if a bucket full of it was right under my nose.

I need to get to that.

Are you crazy! I'm worse than I was last time, I might hurt someone. Besides... Evelyn isn't back yet.

Man up Casey! She left you! You are going to die here if you don't grow some damn balls. So what if Evelyn isn't back.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Don't you think I know that already! I'm trying to think-

Of what!?

I don't know! Something... I don't freaking know!

Are you crying?! Are you seriously going to ball up and cry away the last bit of your human disguise, they will find you!

I know.

They will find Evelyn!

I know, I know, I know.

Then what are you waiting for!?

You to shut up!

I couldn't stop the water works, so I quit trying to fight them back. This mental battle wasn't helping the voracity evident through out my body, not only that but this animal instinct was working a damn nerve! My eyes we stinging now not only from the tears but from the migraine that was preventing me from thinking straight. Get up, Get up, Get up. I was chanting the words, half screaming them. Some how I had gained enough strength to lean up off the wall I had slid down earlier.

Pain and agony shot through my body as I tried to stand placing my hand on the kitchen counter for support. Hurry, Hurry... the words had changed. I would've laughed at them, on a regular day, because of the hunger and fervor dripping from them, but this was not a regular day; And as if that wasn't enough, I had an annoying plague as a second conscious. It was new alright, but that wasn't what worried me. It was the fact that is was suppressing the other one...the human one, and worse, it had my body at it's utter disposal.

Hurry, Hurry. I took a step. Wait, no I didn't. My body took a step. My leg swung in front of me towards the door before I had even realized it.

Stop! What the heck do you think you are doing?!

I'm walking, I thought u noticed genius.

This. Is. My. Body.

Your point is? Look, I'm trying to speed things up here, in case you have missed the part where none of our limbs work, I think it's best if you quit fighting me!

I thought I told you to shut up!

I did... you spoke first.

You are really starting to annoy me!!!

Really... because last time I checked I was way past ' starting' to annoy you. I swear sometimes-

Shut up! Look... I. Will. Move. When. I. Feel. Like. It.

I think you mean, you will comply when the body moves because I felt like it.


Quit acting like an idiot Casey, you aren't fooling anyone... It wouldn't have moved if you were in control!

No! You can't do this!

Too late... I own you!

I stopped. Those words. No. I hadn't realized what I had done until I felt my body jolt into the hard cold tiles and slowly shut down. The soothing pain that was now throbbing all over my body didn't seem as bad when I realized that the ball was back in my court.

Look what you've done, you weakling!

I mentally smiled at my victory, as I slowly shut down the rumbling animal thoughts and settled into a peaceful painless sleep...

You don't own me.

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