Chapter 8: Cole Stone

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Casey's POV


I can't believe I'm actually trying out this dress.

You agreed to it. You could've said no, shoot I told you to say no-

But I didn't, I get it. Can you rub it in any more?

I stood there in front of the mirror in the dressing room, while Evelyn and the store clerk mumbled out side. I was stuck. There was no escaping this one. I was going to have to get into this hideous dress, walk in those camel toe shaped shoes and slap a smile on my face if I was going to try remotely to pull this off. How hard could it be?

Well, considering the fact that Derick will be there...quite difficult maybe.

You aren't helping.

I wasn't trying to.

"Casey! Come on, it doesn't take this long to get into a dress. Come out."

"First of all, yes it does...and secondly, I'm not done-"

"What the heck!"

"Hey! There is a door for a reason!"

"You aren't even in the dress yet!! Casey!"

"Exactly! Now get out!"

"Oh my, poor girl. Should I grab some lingerie off the rack too?"

"Lingerie- what?! My 'draws' look fine! Besides we aren't going under wear modeling, its merely just a dinner."

"A dinner you have to that dress! Put it on already! We have less than 2 hours left to get ready." She grabbed the dirty green dress that had slipped out of my hands on to the floor and shoved it onto my chest.

"I don't mind if you go ahead with out me, I mean I could meet you-"

Like last time.

"Like last time!"

"Shut up, both of you!"

"Excuse me?" The store clerk's eyes dilated with astonishment.


"Do you guys mind... I'm not putting this on with you standing there." They both turned on their heals and left, one after the other.

I was finally alone. I slipped into the dress and it fit. Bummer.

In all the right places too.

I know.

I was practically mentally beating my self up for even considering this. The dress was fine, bearable to some's just that it was on me. It shaped out my round curves, and had a cut right above my right knee just enough to show enough thigh skin. Urgh.

Check out the back. Looking spicy there Casey.

Don't even get me started on the back.

There wasn't a back. My bare back was out, and the crystal margined curve scooped just above my tush, putting emphasis on it. It went up to my neck, where two straps met and fell to the front, to cover up just enough of my breasts. I felt so exposed. I still don't see the point of dressing up. He's not even my boyfriend. This is stupid.


"My feet are killing me Eve, I won't make it to the door-"

"Would you stop it. Someone might hear you." We had left the cab a few blocks away and were now on foot, apparently cabs weren't allowed on 'private property'!

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