How does she know that you love her?

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Basically, I have a friend (I will not say any names because ... she will kill me)

And another friend (It's a guy)

They are crushing on each other... HARD.

I have another friend who ship them together... HARD. 

It is our life mission to see them go on a date... what are we doing with our lives?

ANYWAYS, the couple already knows that one another likes each other, but they're too shy to go on a date and stuff...

Basically, I had a great great great conversation with the girlfriend and the friend that ships them.

I'll use C for the friend that ships them and G for the girlfriend.

Me: So... how's Grai (ship name) going?

G: Shut up *slaps me*

C: Guys, I want to tell you about my crush...

Me: No one cares.

~5 minutes later~

G: So basically, we're playing the Imperial March in band and I'm sooo excited. Also, Midsummer Murder, and Gilmore Girls, Hamilton, and also did you see Once Upon a Time? *Starts fangirling over random things*

C: I know right? So awesome? *Starts speaking in fangirl language that I don't understand*

Suddenly, G just randomly hugs me... now remember she has a crush on someone and I am of the opposite gender of her.

Me: Wow... okay, that was... strange *starts having mental breakdown, internally*

G: Okay, I don't know why I did that... we knew it was going to happen sooner or later!

C: I ship it! #GEVIN for life!

Me and G: NO! Ew! You weirdo!

C: *Smirks* I see what's going on here... meanwhile, how's #GRAI coming along?

G: I don't know...

(S represents crush to G, also my close friend)

Me: Really? *Smirks* I think it's going great. But S needs to step up his game. He needs to ask you on a date.

C: Yes!

G: Shut up.

Me: He literally told me to back off from you the other day, he told me he was paranoid that I was going to, "steal you away from him."

G: Really? Be quiet.

C: Kevin, you should tell S that G told him to do something. If he hears that G wants him to do it, then he'll do it.

Me: Yeah, if I told him G wanted him to jump off a cliff, he would do it... *starts singing* in the name of looooove...

G: Be quiet, both of you.

C: I'm going to tell him that she wants him to take her on a date.

G: *Groans* Be quiet, both of you.

Me: *Wiggles eyebrows* I'm going to tell him that she wants him to seduce her...

G: *Slaps me again* EW! Be quiet.

S just randomly appears.

Me: G wants you to know that she wants you to seduce her.

S: *looks around awkwardly* Um... 

Me: S! You have to admit it to her! Take her on a date! She needs to know your true feelings! When are you going to kiss her? *Starts singing* HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT YOU LOVE HER!

G: I'm right here you know...

Me: Yeah... so?

And then everyone dies.

Just kidding, but I can tell that S is one step closer to taking her on a date.


Groovy moovy

Groovy moovy

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