Chapter 2

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"We'll draw out the map of Sunrise Residence for you just in case you need to find anything," Masaomi said as he stepped into the elevator, followed by Wataru and Ema. "The boxes have already been carried into your room."

"Thank you, Masaomi-san," Ema replied with a soft smiled. 

"It's nothing," Masaomi replied back, a bright smile plastered onto his face. 

Juli hissed at him as he saw the expression on his face. Ema patted him and soon, he calmed down, refusing to look at the two brothers in the elevator. Ema sighed before turning her attention back to Masaomi and Wataru, two of her future brothers.

"Hey, nee-chan! Do you play games?" Wataru asked. 

Ema jumped a little at that question, startled as to why Wataru had asked her if she played games. Deciding to play the safe way out, she meekly replied back.

"Y-Yes, I do," Ema said. 

"Great! Then we can play games together!" Wataru exclaimed. 

Masaomi chuckled. "Sorry for that, Hinata-san. Wataru really loves playing games here. He was one of the first people to be so excited that they're going to have a sister."

Ema sighed in relief, seeing that that was all there was to that question. 

"Just Ema is fine, Masaomi-san. I'm pretty glad that I'm going to have siblings, too, being an only child and all."

Masaomi blushed a bit at seeing her smile. He cleared his throat, "Then Ema, welcome to the Asahina family," he said as the elevator bell rang and they stepped out. 

As the three stepped out, Wataru was the first to run downstairs and into the living room to tell everyone about their new sister. Masaomi and Ema exited out together as they walked towards the railing that overlooked the living room. The hem of her grey plaid skirt and the ruffle of her clean white blazer catched everyone's attention as Ema gracefully walked down the stairs, her curly long brown hair flowing behind her. Seeing her for the first time, they all widened their eyes in surprise at the beauty that stood before them. 

"It's nice to meet you all," Ema said, bowing politely. "I'm Hinata Ema. I look forward to living with everyone. Please take care of me in the future."

Everyone continued to remain silent. Her voice enticed them. Even for Tsubaki and Azusa, who's profession was that of seiyuus, her voice was the perfect pitch and melody, something that was rare in everyday life. Ema looked at them, curious as to why they were not responding, and tilted her head to the side a little. 

"They're all wolves, I tell you!" Juli hissed.

"We finally get to meet you, little sister!" Tsubaki yelled as he went up to hug her. 

Ema stepped back a bit, startled at his reaction. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in, catching Ema completely by surprise. Before Juli could swat at his face, Azusa came in and punched Tsubaki in the head. 

"Sorry for his attitude," Azusa said, apologizing. "This guy is a rather troublesome being to deal with."

"N-No, it was nothing," Ema replied back. "I was just a little surprised."

"Azusa~ that hurt, you know," Tsubaki whined as he rubbed his head. 

"That's what you get for doing that to someone you just met," Azusa replied, stoically. 

As Tsubaki and Azusa were arguing, a certain blonde hair monk came up to her and began taking ahold of a lock of her hair, bringing it up to his mouth to kiss it. 

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