Chapter 3

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"Chii!" Juli said, running up to Ema. "Are you really okay to be walking around?"

Ema smiled towards Juli, letting out a faint chuckle. "I'm fine already, Juli. Besides, I can't just let all these boxes just sit around in the room."

Juli looked at Ema worriedly before heaving a sigh. He knew that they shouldn't leave the room as is and that it was better for Ema to clean up her room so that she could get straight back to work. But, despite how much he told himself, it was a fact that Ema was a fragile girl. She got sick often and it was up to him to take care of her. 

"Just don't push yourself too much," Juli said, finally complying to her request.

"Got it," Ema replied. 

Having already taken a shower, Ema began unpacking the boxes. Most of them contained computers, wires, plugs, playstations, and games. The other boxes contained her clothes and Juli had to admit that whenever he saw her clothes, he couldn't help but get annoyed. Instead of normal daily clothes, there was nothing but one piece animal clothes that had a hood and went up to her thigh. Even now, she was wearing a bunny one.

"Chii," Juli said, annoyed. "Can't you get any decent clothes?!" 

"Juli, I thought I already told you," Ema said, pouting. "These clothes are comfortable and besides, I'm always working from home. There's no need for me to get decent clothes."

"Right now you're in a house of wolves! The situation is different now!" Juli yelled.

Ema looked at Juli, realizing the change in situation but thought better of it. "Juli, is it highly likely for me to come out of my room?" 

Juli stepped back, a sweat drop appearing on his face. "N-No..."

"So there's no need for decent clothes then or now," Ema said with a smile on her face. "These clothes are perfectly fine."

Seeing no space for argument, Juli stood idly by as Ema continued unpacking. She removed the curtains and bedsheets and threw on the ones that she had bought. The bedsheet was white while the blanket sheet was a pastel pink with patters on the side. Her pillow was covered with a brown sheet with polka dot patterns on the side. She had moved the bed to the middle of the room as she set up two drawers on each side of the bed. On one of the drawers was her laptop.  A big computer screen was set in the middle with two other computer screens on each side of the big one, all set upon a seville shelf. A keyboard and mouse was laid out in front of the computer screen. Behind those screens were multiple TV screens lined around the room, completely covering the window. On the bottom of those screens were computer hardware systems, DVRs, and a printer. Hanging from the ceiling six smaller screens. 

Juli looked at the room in awe. "Chii, you completely changed the room..." he said, eyes literally popping out of his sockets.

"Is that a problem?" Ema said, unpacking the boxes of stuffed animals. 

"It's like you've remodeled this room altogether," Juli said. "It doesn't look anymore different than the room back in Osaka."

"It looks pretty different to me," Ema said as she laid out the stuffed animals on her bed and the drawers. "The bed's not in the middle and there were less screens in the room."

"True...but is all of this really needed? Even back in Osaka, I don't recall you having so many computer screens lined up in the penthouse."

Ema nodded, turning to face Juli as she had finished unpacking everything. "Juli, this is all part of my job. Back in Osaka, we had the whole entire penthouse to ourself and thus there was no need for me installing so many screens. But now that I'm only limited to this room, I have to expand my resources in order to keep everything stable."

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