Chapter 4

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It was finally the day of the wedding, the big day that everyone had been looking forward to. For the brothers, the day when their mother would get married was certainly a pleasureful day to look forward to, but there was one more thing that they had high hopes of. That was their new little sister. Hinata Ema. 

The previous day~

"Hey, do you think she's going to skip the wedding ceremony?" Tsubaki asked. 

The brothers were gathered in the living room the night before the long awaited wedding of their mother. However, something was troubling them besides their anxiety. The only thing that could trouble all of them was their new little sister. Besides not going to school, she's cooped up in her room doing who knows what. 

"I don't think she'll go that far," Azusa answered. "It's her father's wedding ceremony. There's no way she's going to miss that."

"Yeah but it just seems so likely for her to not go..." Tsubaki added. 

The brothers looked at one another, a mutual understanding reached.

"I want nee-chan to go to the wedding though," Wataru whined. "Going with a bunch of boys is no fun."

"Do you think we want to go together, too?" Yuusuke retorted. 

"Calm down now, you two," Masaomi smiled nervously as Yuusuke and Wataru glared at one another. "I'm pretty positive that she's going to the wedding." 

"Ah," Ukyo added. "A package arrived to her from mother. She's sure to have received it." 

"That's right, guys," Kaname said with a smile. "There's no need to be all gloomy."

"Chii-chan's going all right," Louis said. 

The brothers all turned to look at him. Though they were surprised to hear him call her by a nickname, they wanted to know how he knew that information. Louis just smiled softly at them before going back to sharpening his hair scissors.

"Got to prepare a hair style that suits Chii-chan," Louis said, humming to himself.

The brothers just sighed in disappointment as the only person that had information went back into the clouds. The only thing they could do now was wait for tomorrow. Anticipation overcame them as they all returned back to their rooms, looking forward to daylight to break.

Back to present~

The alarm clock went off, sending Ema and Juli into a frenzy. Louis had told her to come downstairs at 5 in the morning so that he could do his hair. Wanting to take a bath in the morning, she decided to set the alarm to 4. 

"Chii, do we have to wake up this early?" Juli said, rubbing his eyes.

Ema got off the bed and took off her pajama, tossing it onto the bed. Outside was still dark and the sun hadn't even rose yet. 

"It's fine if you sleep a little bit more, Juli," Ema said. "I'm just going to take a bath."

Juli immediately jumped up. 

"If you're going to go take a bath, I'm going, too," he said as he scurried to Ema. "I don't want to smell bad at the wedding."

Ema chuckled to herself before she stepped into the bathroom, filling the tub with hot water. She filled the bath with bubbles and took a light step in before fully sinking down, soaking her body into the bubble bath. Juli climbed in with a rubber duck as he, too, soaked comfortably in the bath. Ema scrubbed herself well, washed her hair, and rinsed her hair carefully, not wanting to give a bad impression to Miwa-san. She was kind of glad that Louis-san had asked her if he could do her hair. Normally, she would have him do it but since he wasn't here, she was kind of at a loss. Ema smiled to herself, glad that she found someone to take care of her hair. 

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