Chapter 8

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When the brothers finally came around from their hangover, they found themselves seated in a rather luxuriously furnished dining room with a buffet style breakfast. Rintarou and Miwa sat side by side at the head. However, despite having such satisfying looking food before them, their mind was occupied by something else. 

"Hey, where's little sister?" Tsubaki asked.

"We didn't see her all morning," Kaname added. "Is she still asleep?"

"I'm kind of curious about that, too," Hikaru said. This morning, he was actually dressed like a man much to Ukyo's nagging about looking good in front of Rintarou and Miwa. 

"Even Juli is nowhere to be seen," Louis commented, looking dazed. 

"Maybe she had some stuff to do," Miwa replied. "Do you know where she went, dear?" 

Rintarou chuckled and shook his head. "That girl's never really told me anything about where she goes and what she does in her work. If anything, you can try asking Sebas. Speak of the devil, here he is." 

Sebas was walking into the dining room and noticing the looks of the Asahina and Hinata family, he came walking up to them. Despite his wrinkled features, you can tell he was handsome. He bowed formerly to them before straightening his back again. 

"Is there something I can help you guys with?" he asked. 

"We were just wondering where Ema went," Iori said. "Since she isn't here at the breakfast table and no one has seen her all morning." 

"I see," Sebas replied. "I'm sorry to say that Ema-sama had returned back to Sunrise Residence to deal with some things. As for what she has to deal with, I do not know." 

"Thank you, Sebas," Rintarou said with a smile. 

"I'm glad I was of help. If you will excuse me," Sebas said, bowing again, before leaving their table quietly and helping the other guests at the hotel. 

"Then maybe we should go back to Sunrise Residence after this," Ukyo said. 

"True. We are kind of intruding here," Masaomi replied. "She helped us get into 'Queen's Palace' and we also had to stay the night at this expensive hotel...I kind of feel bad." 

Subaru nodded, agreeing with his eldest brother. 

Contrary to the gloomy faces on the brothers, Rintarou laughed as Miwa giggled. The brothers looked up in confusion as Rintarou couldn't stop laughing. 

"Is there something funny, uncle?" Wataru asked. 

"No, it's nothing. It's just that seeing all of you worry about her...I'm sure she'll be happy," Rintarou said. "Don't worry. She likes to do these types of things to the point where I've lost count. You guys don't need to feel guilty. After all, I'm also one of the regulars." 

The brother seemed to lighten up at this. They finished their breakfast in enjoyment and was now excited to go back. They loaded into the cars one by one, leaving Rintarou and Miwa to enjoy themselves elsewhere. Bidding farewell to their mother and their new stepfather, they headed towards Sunrise Residence where Ema was currently at. 

"Really those kids," Miwa said with a chuckle.

"I guess having Ema by their side worked out well, Miwa," Rintarou said, holding Miwa close to him. 

"Yes, it did," Miwa said as she watched the cars disappear into the distance. "I hope their relationship with each other won't change after they find out everything." 

"I'm pretty sure it won't," Rintarou said confidently. "Your sons don't seem like the people to break off relationships with people just because they're of different social status. Besides, Ema's identity will be revealed soon. There's not much to hide." 

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