Chapter 11

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"It's a pleasure to welcome you back, Ema-sama," Aido said as he bowed. 

Ema, Ren, Ai, Ryuu, Seien, Hiroto, and Seiji had all gathered in front of Ema's company, each looking as fearsome and cool as the other. It wasn't like Aido to be formal but in public, he had an image to maintain and everyone had already gotten used to it. Besides Ema and Ren, the others were dressed in black and gold with a tint of white and just by looking at them, anyone can tell that they held authority and were definitely people not to be messed with. Furthermore, Ema and Ren both had a stoic face on, showing that out of the seven, they were the two that you would want to least deal with. 

"Everything's ready?" Ema said as Aido handed her the documents. 

"Yes. Yuushun has helped organize everything. The directors have all gathered," Aido replied. 

Ema flipped through the papers and then closed it, handing it back to Aido. "Good. Let's get this show moving now, shall we, my alliance?" 

Ren nodded as he stood closely by Ema, Seien nodded and took caution of her surroundings, Ai, Ryuu, Hiroto, and Seiji all just grinned as they happily complied. Following Ema in, a line of staff members were in the lobby greeting them. 

"It's a pleasure to see you, President Hinata!" they all said as they bowed in perfect formation. 

"Good to be back," Ema courtly replied. 

The other workers who didn't know of Ema were all gathered together as they whispered to one another, fear written all over their face. Despite Ema's petite figure, the air she had around her was suffocating. One mistake and she'll make them regret that they were ever born. They didn't expect their President to be this kind of person. Not to mention, only a high school girl. Worst off, the people behind her, especially Ren, were intimidating. Those who didn't know her were now fearful of her. 

"Ema-sama," a voice called out. 

Ema looked up and seeing the man, she slowly smiled. "Secretary Yuushun." 

The middle-aged man smiled kindly as she walked up to him. They all headed towards the elevator and gathered inside, riding to the top most floor which would take a few minutes. 

"Thanks for all your hard work," Ema said. 

"It's nothing. Working for you is my greatest honor, President Hinata," Yuushun said. "So you've gathered everyone once again." 

"It's been a while, Yuushun-dono," Hiroto and Seiji said. 

Yuushun chuckled. "No need to be so formal you two." 

"Yuushun~" Ai said excitedly. "It's been too long!" 

"It has, hasn't it, Ai-sama," Yuushun said as he chuckled. 

"The position to become my secretary is still open you know," Ryuu said. 

"I'm afraid I'll have to reject again. I'm pretty satisfied with being the secretary for Ema-sama," Yuushun replied. 

Ryuu sighed. "Should've expected that." 

"Ryuu, you're a thousand years too early to be taking Yuushun away from my side," Ema said with a grin. 

Ren stifled a laugh, as did the others. 

"So Yamashita Tomi is present, yes?" Ema asked, getting back to business. Seeing her sudden formal change in attitude, the others straightened themselves, too. 

"Yes," Yuushun replied. "He's quite shaken up if I say so myself." 

Ema smiled. "It seems that he's never going to learn, huh. Ryuu, Seien, are all the documents gathered and ready?" 

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