Chapter 5

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In the end, Ema decided to take Masaomi's car. Wataru had began complaining that he wanted to ride with Ema no matter what and in the end, it was resolved by Ema choosing to ride with Wataru. Masaomi opened the car door for her, to which Ema thanked him. She stepped into the car and sat in the middle of the back seat. Wataru sat to her left while to her right sat Iori. After closing the car door, Masaomi got into his driver's seat, turning up the engine. Ukyo sat in the passenger seat. 

"Looking closely, these brothers are not half bad," Juli remarked. "Make them dress up a little and they seem like decent people."

Ema chuckled at Juli's comment. 

"What's so funny, onee-chan?" Wataru asked, noticing her chuckle. Ema stopped and smiled towards the little one. 

"It's nothing, Wataru-chan," she responded. "Are you excited for the wedding ceremony today?"

"Of course!" Wataru exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. "It's Mama's wedding after all. Besides, onee-chan's riding with me right now! Why wouldn't I be excited?!" 

Ema laughed. "Wataru-chan's an interesting child."

Ukyo and Iori smiled while Masaomi tried stifling a laugh. Seeing their reaction, Wataru pouted in discontent, not knowing why he was being laughed at. 

"What's so funny?" Wataru said. 

"No, it's nothing, Wataru," Ukyo said. "It's just that what she said was quite on the mark."

Wataru tilted his head, still not getting it. He scrunched his eyebrows as he replayed the conversation over and over in his head. After much thinking, he sighed in defeat, still not getting what was so funny. The car was silent besides the humming of the engine. Wataru glanced around the car only to bite his lip in boredom. Ema was busy fidling around with Juli. Iori had his eyes closed but seemed aware of Ema's presence beside him. Masaomi was busy driving and Ukyo was busy looking over his phone.

"Onee-chan, let's play shiritori!" Wataru shouted.

"Huh?" Ema replied, along with several glances from around her. "Shiritori?" 

"Mn!" Wataru said, nodding his head eagerly.

"If you want to," Ema said with a smile. "Should I go first or you go first?" 

"I'll go first!" Wataru shouted in excitement. 

For the rest of the way, Ema continued playing shiritori with Wataru. Along the way, Wataru also pulled Iori and Ukyo. Masaomi continued driving towards the reception but commented and laughed here and there. In the end, Ema won all three rounds that they had played, much to the shock of everyone. Juli triumphed proudly as he laughed at the brothers, causing Ema to cover his mouth to shut him up. Within a few minutes after the last round, the car pulled into a parking lot. 

"We're here," Masaomi announced, unbuckling his seat belt. 

"Yay! We're finally here!" Wataru cheered as he opened the car seat and slid out. 

Iori opened his side door, easily stepping off the car. He held the car door open while he reached out a hand towards Ema, who was dipping her head to get off the car. Noticing his outstretched hand, Ema took it with gratitude. Iori smiled softly at her as he held her hand and helped her out of the car. 

"It seems that we're the first ones to arrive," Ukyo commented, not seeing the other two cars in sight. "Shall we go into the reception first?" 

Masaomi, Iori, and Ema nodded. Wataru happily agreed as he held Masaomi's hand, eager to greet his mother and his stepfather. Ema smiled warmly as she saw Wataru with a blissful expression on. 

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