Dating time

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2 months later

It was two months ago when she came to me... Two months ago when April cheated on her. But the good thing is she moved forward. Arizona found a new apartment, not so far from the hospital where she works. And she looks happy again. During that time my feelings for Arizona became more and more platonic, so I started using a Dating app. Don't get me wromg, there will Always be this little part of me that will continue to love her no matter what but it was time to move forward.

And today is the day. I have a date! The last time I've dated someone was two years ago. He was a nice, smart and handsome guy. But we kind of broke up. I don't know, it was complicated. I don't wanna think about the past instead I wanna think about today.

My date is William, William Hunt. He works as an ambulance man here in New York. He's really funny, handsome, clever, confident and honest. There are other characteristics too but these are the ones which attracted attention to me the most. Since the first day we text I ask myself if he is somehow related to Owen Hunt, my mentor. Well... I will ask him later. I just wanna tell Arizona about it. So I took my phone and texted a her:

Me: Hey guess what happened

Arizona: I hope nothing bad

Me: No. I have a date

Arizona: You have! Oh I'm so happy for you. Who is it? I just hope they aren't a pervert

Me: Are you worried about me? ;)

Arizona: Of course I am. You are my friend so of course I'm worried about you

Me: Thanks that's good to know

Arizona: Always

Me: Shit...! I have to go. I wish we can chat a little longer but I shouldn't leave the date waiting

Arizona: Oh... that's too bad. Tell me everything about it later, promise?

Me: I'll promise. Love you X

Arizona: Love you too X

I have too hurry. I picked the prettiest outfit I have in my wardrobe. It's 7:55 pm.

"Shit, I won't be on time... Damn that's not a good first impression on a date"

I storm out of the house and ran to my car. It's almost 8 pm and the restaurant where we will meet is 10 minutes away. Tonight the traffic lights aren't on my side, too bad. When I arrived at the restaurant it's 8:20 pm. I went inside and saw William in the middle of the restaurant.

"Hey you're William Hunt, right?"

"Yeah and you're Mary" He said with a smile.

"Sorry for being late. It's not typical for me being late but traffic... you know" I smiled back.

"It's okay. I'm not waiting so long"

"That's luck I guess" I siad but I knew he was lying about that. 

"Well a quick question, are you related to Owen Hunt somehow?" I asked.

"Yeah he's my brother. Why are you asking?"

"That's funny. He's my mentor."

"He is?! I didn't know, he didn't tell me. We didn't see each other for years"

"Oh.. what happened?" I asked carefully.

"Well... I pinched his girlfriend. Owen was really upset about it and since then he didn't talk with me." It seems like he's sorry for what happened.

"Bad things happen. I played soccer two years ago and we had a match. My hole family came to watch me playing but I always said they didn't have to come but they didn't cared. So almost after the second half was over I shoot the ball so hard goalwards but in the wrong direction. I shoot it right in my aunts face and broke her nose. You can still see that scar. Oh gosh... She still hates me for that"

We laughed for a few seconds. We talked about random stuff, about why he became an ambulance man and about some funny accidents that happened to us. The date is going to an end.

"You're really funny" He smiles.

I smiled back and looked into his eyes. We stayed this way a few seconds without saying anything. I'm getting a little nervous to what happens next. Should I end this date but I don't want to. It is just great right now.

"Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah" I smiled. William just reads my mind. How did he do that?!

"Check, please." A waitress came over and said: "That's 40 $ in all."

We stood up and walked out of the restaurant. 

"Should I take you home?" 

"I'm here by car, so... this would be a little bit difficult. Don't you think?"

"Well then good night" He looks disappointed. I turned around. I wanted to go to my car which is on the other side of the street. But I felt a hand on my arm... It was hiss. He came closer and puts his lips on mine. Time stands still. After I realizes what is happening I pulled back. Why did I thought of Arizona all of the sudden?

"I'm sorry... I... I can't do this..." I said quickly.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just... I like you okay and I don't wanna play around with your feelings"

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"There is someone else in my heart. I thought I could forget her and that I fell out of love... but I just can't. Those feelings are still there"

"I see... Is she worth it?"

"Yeah absolutely" I smiled and walked away.

I thought a lot about this... about Arizona. I never thought that she is still so important to me that I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. It's good that I realized that now.


It wasn't easy to write this chapter because I didn't know how a date actually looks like but I hope you enjoyed it 😊 Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter 😄😄😄

Arizona RobbinsWhere stories live. Discover now