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Everyone gathered in the main assembly kind of room. The room is uncomfortably large. It reminds me of a hotel foyer, not just in the space but in the artwork too. I scan for a personal touch, something that doesn't suggest a hired designer chose it. Nothing. The floor is polished concrete, the walls white and the furniture I'm sure is from a high-end Scandinavian designer, but the name escapes me for the moment. It is a perfect place, but cold in its tranquility. The soft jazz just audible as background noise. I squeezed my way to the front of the  crowd and looked around me to see if anyone I knew was there.
"Hello again," there was Luca, he lifted up his presumably newly-bought wide framed black glasses to the bridge of his nose, and smiled.
"Oh, its you," I mumbled, twirling a strand of hair with my finger.
"I'm excited to see who I'm gonna get grouped with," he spoke, smiling eagerly.

When first I look upon her face, it was not on the perfect features that I dwelled - not the gold flecked green eyes, nor the pomegranate pink lips. Instead it was the insecurities that allured me. The shy smile, the very slightly crooked tooth. That was the moment I had found the person who was perfectly imperfect for me. 

Now, when I look upon his face, I lose myself. All mistakes I have ever made, and there have been many, are gone - every impure thought erased. All negativity is cleansed, almost like a religious experience or spiritual enlightenment. I know his eyes can see through me, but I know they do not dwell on the anger, nor the deceit, nor the selfishness. He looks past every flaw to find the person inside, the real me, and in that moment I know I’m perfectly imperfect for him too.

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