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M A D D I S O N closed her book and setting it down after writing in it for the day. Marcel had thought it was a good idea to write in it to help her sort through what she was feeling. Speaking of her dad, he was throwing some epic party like he usually does to attract tourists so his men could feed without being caught.

Music loud, crowd cheering, everyone dancing. Maddie usually liked to attend these parties her dad hosts. She was away a few years for school and didn't get much of the chance to party and have fun. She spent her time studying and also got distracted by a guy that's no longer in her life. Maddison's dancing had slowed to a stop once she felt some type of power surrounding her. Her eyes scan the crowd for the source of this power and energy and soon enough her eyes landed on a dirty blonde-haired man with beautiful ocean blue eyes looking around the room. His eyes drew her in instantly. He was hot.

"Hey, you ok, Mars?" Thierry asked her. His question faded as did the music while she watched her dad walk up to this man with a smile as if they were best friends. She knew all her dads friends since he kept a close circle and she had no idea who this man was.

"Hey man. Where'd you run off to?" Marcel asked with a wide smile. "Someone put you in a bad mood? What can I do?" He teased the man standing before him.

"What you can do is, you can tell me what this thing you have with the witches." His British accent flowing through Maddie's ears making her perk up a little bit. British? Blue eyes? If that wasn't any girls weakness, she didn't know what is.

Her dad just laughed, "You know I owe you everything I got." She raised my eyebrows, what is he talking about? He continued, "but I'm afraid I have to draw the line on this one. This is my business. I control the witches in my town. Let's just leave it at that."

Maddison look down a little stung by his words. Witches were a sensitive topic around here and her dad knew that she didn't support what he did to the witches. Despite their conniving personalities, she respected the elder witches. Thierry noticed and sent a sad and apologetic look her way but she waved it off and sent him a faux small smile.

"Your town?" The man asked.

"Damn straight," Marcel nodded.

The man she didn't know the name of, yet, laughed, "That's funny because when I left a hundred years ago, you were just a pathetic little scrapper still trembling for the lashes of the whips of those who would keep you down. And now look at you. Master of your domain," He said loudly attracting the crowds attention as the music suddenly stops. "Prince of the city. I'd like to know how." Diego walked behind Marcel and Thierry behind the mystery man ready for a fight, if need be.

"Why? Jealous?" Marcel asks as the crowd whispered. "Hey man, I get it. Three hundred years ago, you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it but then you left. Actually, you ran from it. I saw it through. Look around," his voice got louder, "vampires rule this city now. I got rid of the werewolves, I even found a way to shut down the witches, the blood never stops flowing and the party never ends. You wanna pass on through? You wanna stay a while? Great, what's mine is yours, But it is mine. My home. My family. My rules."

Maddie had never seen my dad like this. She wasn't oblivious, she knew he could be ruthless at times but this? It was different. "And if someone breaks those rules?" The man snarled.

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