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Maddison sat on her bed with Davina's head on her lap as Maddie stroked her hair. "Davina?"

"Yeah?" Davina whispered looking up at her.

"I am so sorry about Tim. I'm-" Maddie went to continue but stopped as she felt arms wrap around her.

"It's okay. I know that you tried and I know how much you care about me. Maddie, ever since you saved me that night, you have become like a mother figure to me." Davina told her with a smile sent her way making Maddie's lip quiver at her words.

"You will always be my daughter, Davina Claire. I will love you for eternity." Maddison grabs her hand with a smile as a tear escaped her eye.

"For eternity." Davina whispered remembering Maddie saying that to her before.


Maddison had told Marcel to leave Davina to her. Maddie opened the attic door and walked inside with Davina following behind her.

"You'll be safe here from the witches. I know it's plain and trust me I hate plain things but if you'd like, I can get some things that you like." Maddie told her as Davina looked around the attic. "Do you have any hobbies? Interests?"

"I like to draw." Davina had answered quietly.

"So do I. Maybe, if you want that is, I could show you some of mine. I bet yours are fantastic." Davina smiled at Maddison at how kind she was being.

"I know it's not perfect here, Davina, and i want nothing more for you to safe and happy." Maddison grabbed the girls hands and led her to the bed, taking a seat. "I promise you that these witches will pay for hurting you and your fallen friends. I promise I will protect you, for Eternity, Davina Claire."

"For Eternity? Promise?" Davina looked up at her with trust wanting to shine in her eyes.

Maddison nodded as Davina clung onto her, falling asleep in her arms. Maddie had stayed the night to make sure that she was gonna be safe and okay here.


"That's our thing." Davina said with a weak laugh making Maddie let out a laugh as well. The door opened and Marcel had walked in making Davina angry. She sat up and shoved her hands out making his body fling against the wall with her magic. "Go away!"

"Come on, you've got to be starving, you haven't eaten since-" Davina interuppted him with a glare. "Since your best friend killed my best friend?"

"Davina, I'm sorry about what happened to this kid, Tim." He apologized as if it was gonna make everything better but it wasn't gonna bring Tim back.

"I'm sorry that you don't hate Klaus for what he did or wanna make him pay!" Davina exclaimed.

"He'll pay for what he did one way or another but right now I just wanna make peace with you." Marcel says softly to her.

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