Hidden 'I Love You's

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A/N: Hey, you're probably all gone by now. . . But I'm so glad if you're still around!!
I got a request from NightWingJusticeS! So here we are!!

Cass let out a long breath. Her eyes were shut, but she could feel Lunn's breaths across her lips. She would've been content to stand there forever, her forehead pressed to his. But a question invaded her mind, and she knew she would know no rest until it was answered.

She pulled away, and his eyes opened, watching her curiously.

'How long have you loved me?' She signed, meeting his eyes.

He smiled at her. 'Since the very beginning, Love. The day we met, I already liked you. And it only grew from there.'

'But why did you never tell me?' Her eyes were wide with curiosity.

Lunn brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 'Oh Cass, I told you every day.

She looked at him with confusion.

'Every day. But not the way you might think.'

She raised her eyebrows, and he continued.

'Every time I worried about you, asked how you were, reminded you to be safe. I was telling you I loved you.'

Cass' eyes widened. She remembered. All those times. . .

'Cass, you need to eat.' Lunn looked at the girl across from him anxiously.

'I'm not hungry.' She signed back, frustrated at his nagging. She pushed away her plate.

'It doesn't matter!' He pushed her food back towards her. 'Eat.
I. . . won't translate for you if you don't!' He crossed his arms, signalling an end to the conversation.

'It's your job. If you quit, I'll just get another translator.' Cass said, rolling her eyes, but took a bite anyway.

Lunn grinned in triumph.
Cass sat on a chair in the research center, head resting against the back. She was half asleep, but forced her eyes open. She had to finish this section of the project tonight.

A gentle had landed up her shoulder, and she looked up, eyes half closed, to see Lunn's worried face.

'Cass, you need sleep.'

'No, I need to finish this tonight.' She protested.

He shook his head. 'Finish it in the morning. You need to sleep.'

She was too exhausted to protest any longer. She took the hand he offered, and let him lead her to her room, his arm around her waist, her head on his shoulder.

Lunn picked at his food, his mind far away. He just couldn't concentrate that day.
Sighing, he glanced over at Cass. She looked starved, her food quickly disappearing off her plate. Grinning, he caught her attention.

'Here, have my chips,' he signed, pushing them toward her.

She quickly signed her thanks, and then went back to eating.

They sat in the hanger. Lunn held a paper in one hand, and a pencil in the other. He was sketching the vehicles, Cass watching the movements of his pencil. After a moment, his hand stilled.

'I'm going to draw something for you.' Lunn signed.

'Would you?' She looked at him excitedly.

'Of course. Anything for you. What would you like me to draw?'

'Could you draw a bird? A cardinal?'

'Of course.'

Lunn smiled at the joy on Cass' face as he pulled out another piece of paper and began the drawing.

'Are you okay Cass?' He watched her anxiously.

'Of course.' She looked at him curiously. 'Why would you ask?'

He met her gaze squarely. 'Because I care.'

She smiled awkwardly, then looked away, but her heart beat fast in her chest.

Lunn laughed at the puzzled look at Cass' face. He tapped her nose gently, and she swatted his hand away.

'You're such a dork.' He signed, smiling lovingly at her.

Cass was about to leave on a dangerous mission. As she prepared to step onto the ship that would carry her to the site, Lunn grabbed her arm to stop her for a moment.

'Be safe Cass. Please.'

She nodded. Lunn, on an impulse, pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

"I love you." He whispered into her hair. He knew she wouldn't hear it, but he had to say it, at least once.

Then he released her.

'I'll be fine.'

He nodded, but still watched anxiously as she boarded the ship.


'You. . . You did love me.'

Lunn smiled at her. 'Of course I did.'

Cass smiled back, and then leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Her fingers moved against his chest.

'I loved you too.'

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