Comfy, soft, safe. I'm in my own bed obviously. I smile as I open my eyes to be correct. I'm sprawled out over my king sized bed. I pull the white, fluffy blanket up to my chest and close my eyes softly not wanting to move. Then, I remember I'm not a human being. Sweet. I sigh and slip off my bed, putting my cold feet into the kitten slippers. Yes, cat slippers.
My body forces itself to move into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My beautifully colored eyes stare back at me and I can't help by smile at the sight. I look a lot better then normal. My skin is tan and smooth looking. My long, slightly curly hair rides down my back without any noticeable tangles.
Maybe, being a werewolf isn't that bad. I mean, at least I'm not a vampire, right?
My only problem is I just can't understand it. How am I supposed to live a normal life just like before? Are there other werewolves I didn't even know about? It's insanely hard dealing with this although it doesn't seem as impossible anymore. I mean, anything can happen right? Nothing's actually impossible.
Is my mother a werewolf though? My father? Friends? Or is it just me? I've never met anybody else that is so, could I possible be the very first existence of one? Or are the others hidden? So many questions that will remain unanswered for so long. Whatever, I'll learn to deal with it one way or the other.
Brushing my fingers through my blonde hair I walk out of the bathroom and head out into the hallways of my room. The usual smell of alcohol is no longer here making me question where my mother is. Her door is closed and I know better then to disturb her when she wants to be alone but I knock on it anyways, being kind of worried for her wellbeing. No one knows what could ever happen to her, with the drugs and the drinking. One day it could all just be way too much. Her body could always just, give up.
There's no reply to my knock on the door so I open it hesitantly and frown when I see nobody in the room at all. It looks cleaner then normal and it smells of anti breeze and perfume. I look over to the clock to see that it's surprisingly five o clock in the evening. Wow, I must have really been tired.
All of a sudden, the soft closing of a door startles me and I head downstairs to the main room to see what it was.
My mother stands there, in front of the door. She seems oddly surprised to see me but when I look at her, I'm the one that should be surprised. She's wearing a long black skirt along with a beautiful white blouse. She looks so different from her usual attire. A mini skirt and super tight fitting whore shirt.
"Mom, you look.. wonderful? What ever happened to you?"
My mother smiles at me softly and I widen my eyes. This is sure in hell not normal.
"Oh sweetie, I missed you so much! I found a job and, I have to be on my best behavior. Why are you home so early?"
I remember staying at a hotel for a while, trying to stay away from my mother. Last fight we had ended up horribly wrong and I felt that I couldn't take it anymore. "You found a job? Wow, I'm so happy for you. So, no more drugs, alcohol? Everything will be alright now?"
My mom smiles at me and I can't stop the happy tears from flooding out of my eyes. I hug my mother and smile into her neck. "Thank you, thank you so much."
I cry from being so happy as my mother also cries along with me. This is what we both have needed. An awakening. Something to pull her out of the mess she had created and put herself into.
My mom steps back to look at me and she holds her smile strongly like a good mother should. I can't help but notice the small ring on her long ring finger. She got.. engaged?
I point at the silver ring with wide eyes. "What is that? Are you getting married? Oh my god mom you didn't even tell me? How could you!?" My mother looks at my raising her eyebrows as if I'm talking gibberish.
"Don't just fucking stand there! Tell me what the hell is going on! I demand answers! This mother daughter relationship can't last very long if you hide these things from me!"
She looks at the floor, tears of happiness or sadness flood from her eyes. I can't exactly tell which but they sure are there.
Mom speaks, softly with a trembling voice.
"Your father, he came back and proposed to me once again. HONEY HE'S BACK FOR US!" My mother starts shouting but this time I think she's actually the one talking gibberish. "HE'S HERE TO PROTECT US. WE WON'T HAVE TO WORRY NO MORE. CAN'T YOU SEE HOW GREAT THIS IS! FOR THE BOTH OF US!"
Father being back? He left us and she's willing to take him in after all that has happened? No, I don't agree with this. I don't know what she was thinking but my father is not trustworthy. Yes, he was an amazing man when I knew him but everything he had done for this family could all have been a show. A fake little love story to pretend he was a nice guy, but he left and he does not disserve to be allowed back here!
"No. No. No. He's not coming back! I'll run away again! He's not my father and he doesn't need to be around us! That man is the reason you went crazy! Fucking insane! How do you know he won't leave again? How do you know he's the same man as before? What if it's all just another act?!" My legs give out and I fall roughly to the floor, allowing now tears of hurt spill out on to my now wet cheeks. My eyes are no doubt already puffy and red.
Like this is so easy- simple as fucking pie my mother takes my face into her hands and forces me to look up at her wrinkled face. "Your father is my husband and you can leave if that's how you will treat him. You better choose your words wisely because I can tell you one thing, you don't want to make a mistake."
Without even thinking, without viewing reality, I slap her so hard across the face and smile as I do it.
Just like that, I walk out, still reality is running away from me. Am I making a mistake? Probably and I'm most likely going to regret it later but I'm sorry. I can't just let that man come back without a fight. he's done so much damage to this family it's unforgiveable. If only he was the man he truly seemed to be.
That would be a miracle.
//Obviousl, she lost some sort of her memory. Only about Jinx and the lady though. She knows she's a wolf and... doesn't she seem a lot more calm about it? Hmmm???//Alex- 🌹♥🌹
Danger Ahead: She Awakens
Loup-garou||Bella|| On the outside? She was perfect. On the inside? She was alone, and broken. Most of all? She was an animal, and she didn't even know it. ||Jinx|| Did he love? Hell no. Did he hate? Purely heartless. What was he? An alpha male that will no...