chapter eleven: spring break

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“Hey Juls, what are you doing for spring break?” Shylah asked.
“I’m just gonna go back the New Orleans.” she answered.
“That’s it?” Aj asked.
“Well the spring festival is next week, it’s the best one so i’m going for that.” Julia said.
“A festival in New Orleans you have to bring us, show us around the city” Shylah said.
“Don’t you wanna see your family?” Julia asked.
“My family lives in Mystic Falls i can see them any time i want” Shylah said.
“Okay fine you can come.” Julia said sighing.
They left that sunday, when they arrived at Julia’s house she opened the door and let them in.
“Holy crap Juls this is your house?” Aj asked.
“Yeah, well it was my parents house, they paid it off back in the the 19th century so the bank can’t take it away.” she said.
“So what is it you do in New Orleans?” Shylah asked.
“Actually i have to go somewhere to check on something.” Julia said. She left and went to Marcel’s loft. She knocked on the door and it opened slowly a moment later.
“Juls, oh my god why aren’t you at school?” he asked.
“We’re on spring break and Shylah and Aj were just dying to see the city.” she answered.
“You didn’t come to see me did you?” he asked. She gave him a look.
“What do you think?” she replied. He opened the door further and she walked in and two monsters came running at her, she got down on the floor and started petting. They were both huskies, one had black and white fur and two icy blue eyes she was fluffy beyond belief. The other had white and ashy grey fur with striking steel blue eyes.
“They have really missed you.” Marcel said.
“Have they been okay though?” Julia asked concerned.
“Don’t worry they were perfectly fine” he responded. “You can’t let Klaus know you’re back in town” Marcel added.
“Marcel i’ve got my magic under control, do you actually think i would ever bring my friends here if i didn’t, i’m not taking any chances.” she said.
“I’m not worried about your magic i’m worried about you.” he said.
“If it’s Klaus i can take it.” she said. “ anyways i’m just here for the festival then i’m going back to mystic falls.” she added.
“Just be cautious please.” he said. She brought the dogs back to her house, they jumped out of her car and ran up to the door.
“Oh my god you have dogs what else are you hiding from us?” Shylah asked.
“What are their names?” Aj asked eagerly playing with them.
“That’s nova “ she said pointing to the dog with black and white fur. “ and that’s stella” she added pointing to the other one.
“Okay so what do we wear to these spring festivals?” Shylah asked.
“White dresses and flower crowns.” Julia said.
The next day they got dressed and walked around the quarter, Julia was cautious she didn’t want to run into Klaus.
“Oh look voodoo, we should go in” Aj said.
“That’s not really voodoo, it’s a tourist trap, come on i’ll take you to a real voodoo shop.” Julia said, she lead them through the crowds and stopped in front of a small shop, it had talismans surrounding it.
“What are these?” Shylah asked reaching for one.
“Don’t” Julia said before Shylah toughed it “it’s voodoo so don’t just touch random objects” she said.
“Sorry” Shylah said. They walked in a tall black lady walked out from the back, she had a large, beautiful afro.
“Welcome to the brew how can i help you?” she asked.
“What’s the witchiest herb you have?” Shylah asked.
“We have wormwood” she said.
“Wormwood isn’t a real thing Marnie, we’ll take an ounce of holly” Julia said.
“Okay hotshot i’ll be right back” Marnie said, she left to the back then came back with a small sack.
“Shylah you’re a witch, you fell for wormwood” Julia laughed.
“I’m just being touristy” she said.
“It’s just ginger root that i soak in lavender” Marnie said handing Julia the sack.
“Where’d you learn that?” Aj asked.
“Back in the 70s Marnie and i used to have a booth in the quarter where i would pretend to be a witch and read people’s fortunes, really i was just using my vampire ability to enter their heads and read their minds, Marnie is a real witch, so she would cast some spell to make the atmosphere seem more magical” Julia explained.
“When did you get back in town?” Marnie asked.
“Last night, we came over spring break for the festival” she said. They left and continued exploring the quarter.
“So what time does the festival start” Aj asked.
“Well it starts at two which in New Orleans means people will be there by noon and drunk by one” Julia explained. They walked for about an hour stopping at booths and going into shops. People started drinking, Shylah and Aj both picked up a plastic cup.
“Absolutely not” Julia said taking the cups.
“What?” Aj asked.
“You don’t even know what this is” Julia said.
“You just took a shot of bourbon” Shylah said.
“Yeah but i’m over 200 years old and can’t get drunk, you two are 16 and can get drunk.” she said they continued to walk.
Julia heard a familiar voice behind her talking to another familiar voice.
“Go find your mother” a male voice said. she heard his footsteps trail after her, she then stopped and so did the footsteps.
“You know if you’re going to pick a fight you should remember that i have magic on my side and you don’t.” she said then turned around.
“Who said i wanted to fight.” he asked.
“Your usual demeanor.” she said in an obvious tone.
“I simply want to ask if you would like to join me for a drink.” he said.
“No you want to ask me to do something for you.” she said.
“Well if you’re already in town” he said.
“What is it Klaus?” she asked sighing.
“I need to find someone.” he said.
“And a normal witch can’t do a locator spell?” she asked.
“It’s not a normal locator spell.” he said.
“What do you mean?” she asked. Stefan appeared next to her.
“Don’t help him Julia” he said.
“Do you have nothing better to do than to follow teenage girls around?” she asked him.
“Well i’m dead so no” he said.
“The person i’m trying to find isn’t actually in this realm” Klaus said.
“You mean a realm spell, hell no, that takes too much power i would have to channel multiple witches .” Julia said. 
“How fortunate you have two witches right here” he said.
“No i’m not getting them involved.” Julia said.
“Why don’t i just do it?” Aj said.
“i can see through other people’s eyes no matter where they are, i just need something that belongs to them or their blood i guess.” Aj explained.
“Well there’s plenty of his blood at the compound.” Klaus said.
“Are you sure?” Julia asked.
“Yeah it doesn’t take a lot of power” she said.
“Okay fine but if anything happens i will not hesitate to kill you Klaus” she said.
“I am unkillable” he said.
“Not if i get angry enough”
They went to the compound, Marcel stood with Elijah.
“Juls what are you doing here” he asked. Aj walked in and bent down and touched the blood, then was brought to her knees as her eyes were completely white. They turned back moments later.
“I found him, he’s not in another realm, he’s in california.” she said.

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