chapter sixteen: let's go on a witch hunt

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Julia stood at a table she had a feeling of guilt planning a murder so soon but she knew it had to be done and she knew she would just have to make peace with that. Stefan stood across from her, he didn't know what to think. How? How did Julia feel his touch? It shouldn't of been possible but it was. Aj was standing next to Stefan, even though she couldn't see him she could feel his presence, she could feel the energy his spirit gave off. Caroline stood next to Julia, she didn't know what to make of the situation, it was as if it was all a dream. Alaric shut the door of the classroom, he then walked over to where Shylah was standing. Shylah had dry tears on her soft cheeks, her parents had made a compelling case about coming home with them but Shylah although suffocated in sorrow was overcome with anger, she knew she had to stay and put an end to it all before anyone else got killed.

" where's Damon and Elena? I mean if something is going on with Stefan shouldn't they know?" Aj asked.

" that's not the biggest problem right now, it can wait." Stefan replied speaking to Julia.

" Stefan said that it's not important and that we need to worry about the hunters." she repeated.

" so what's the plan?" Alaric asked eagerly.

" if i can get some of the hunter's blood i can identify them." Julia started to explain.

" there's a spell for that?" Aj asked in awe.

" no there's a forensics kit for that. But i can also do a locator spell which might lead us to the rest of them but if they hunt witches it's not likely that i can get a correct reading and even if we get their location we can't just go in guns blazing." Julia responded.

"how are we going to get blood?" Caroline asked

" that, there's a spell for" Julia said.

"How many do you think there are?" Shylah asked.

"Stefan said he saw 5 or 6 but he also said that they weren't typical humans" Julia answered.

'What do you mean they weren't typical?" Alaric asked.

"Think about it one hunter came onto a campus of a school full of nothing but witches, that doesn't seem very possible without some kind of supernatural help" she said.

"Did you find anything in those books last night?" Aj asked.

"Books?" Caroline asked

"Yeah i brought back a lot of books from Italy and they were all pretty useless if we want to find anything we need to get the bestiary" she said.

"No one has seen that in decades" Stefan said.

"I know one place where there might be one" Julia said. "There is a small town in california when i lost my memory because Klaus tried to compel me i went there and got an herb to reverse the magic, i know a pack of werewolves there that has a copy" she added.

"Great lets go get it" Stefan said.

"We can't just go get it, the last i heard the Hale family was completely cleared out of Beacon Hills so i don't know how to get into the vault" she said

"Can't you just ask for the password or something?" Aj asked.

"No we can't because the Hale vault can only be opened by Hale claws" she said.

"They have to turn to get into a vault?" Caroline asked.

"No they are a different type of wolf, there are three types of them the Hales are purebreds they are born as a wolf with no need to trigger a curse, i am a half breed because i was born with a gene that had to be triggered, the third are mutts, i use the term loosely because there are two kinds one is a human that was turned into a wolf and the other is a wolf that kills to survive" she explained.

"Is this mutt something we need to worry about?" Stefan asked.

"It's rare it only happens when an alpha is disowned by their entire pack and usually only happens to purebreds" Julia responded.

"Maybe it was these mutts that killed Charlotte" Shylah said.

"I don't think so even if it does explain how they overpowered a witch it's rare and still doesn't explain how they killed here on the front lawn of a school of witches without anyone noticing" Julia said. "Which leads me to believe-" she added.

"She wasn't killed here" Shylah said cutting her off.

"Which may actually help us find them" Julia said.

"Don't worry Shy we will find them" Aj reassured.

"I will find out what they are and i will kill them, they don't get to just walk away from killing one of our own alive" Julia said.

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