chapter seventeen: research

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Julia sat at a table in the library she was surrounded by books she was used to late nights she checked her phone and it read 3:42 a.m. she knew she couldn't give up, she hadn't slept in 3 days but she didn't care. Stefan sat next to her.

"Come on Julia it's almost 4 a.m. go to bed." he said.

" sleep is for the dead and the mortal i am not one of those" she responded.

" have you found anything?" he asked.

"Yeah" she lied.

"I am inside of your mind i know you're lying" he said.

"Yeah well Derek's not picking up his damn phone so i can't get into the vault to get the bestiary." she defended.

"You won't be able to focus on any of that if you don't get some sleep" Stefan reprimanded.

"I'm fine Stefan" she responded placing her hand on his arm. She was surprised when she couldn't feel him.

"What?" he asked.

"I can't feel you, why can't i feel you anymore?" she asked frightened.

"You are getting weaker you need to sleep" he said. Julia knew he was right but there was no was she was going to give up this easily. "You are ridiculous and stubborn i know you want to be strong and hide your weaknesses from the world but you aren't super-human" he said.

"Um yeah i kind of am, hence the teeth, and the witch powers, oh yeah and the ability to become a frigging wolf. Look i'm not afraid to show my weaknesses" she said Stefan gave her a look. "Okay so maybe i am a little but these are the people that killed Shylah's little sister there is no way i am leaving any stone unturned." Julia defended.

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