The Surprise: Part 2

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When Esteban didn't find her in his room or the garden, he headed for the library. It was one of the few places Shuriki could go after Elena confined the sorceress to the palace. It was also the one place where her anxiety wouldn't rear its ugly head.

Sure enough, he found her sitting on a divan near the back of the massive room, muffling her sobs with an overstuffed pillow.


She lifted her head, realized it was him, and immediately turned away in a despairing attempt to conceal the tears staining her cheeks.

Esteban sat down and pulled Shuriki into his arms. As was expected, she buried her face in his chest, and began to cry.

"Oh, mi corazón..."

He held her tight, kissed the top of her head, rubbed her back and murmured words of reassurance in her ear. If she hadn't been clinging to the front of his coat like her life depended on it, Esteban would've stormed back into that dining hall and told his family off, but the sorceress needed him so he stayed.

Whether his family wanted to believe it or not, Shuriki was fragile, both physically and mentally. The gnawing guilt she felt for what she'd done to Raul and Lucia, the grief she still wrestled with after losing her own family, the unyielding pressures of ruling Avalor had no doubt taken their toll.

She eventually calmed down enough to form actual dialog, though Esteban couldn't help noticing that her hands were still shaking when he offered her his handkerchief. Rather than let Shuriki do it herself, he gently cupped the back of her head so she couldn't pull away, then softly dabbed her eyes with the velvetine cloth. "There now. See? You needn't get upset. Everything is going to be alright."

"Esteban, dear," she sniffled. "Why are you being so good to me. We both know I don't deserve it."

"Mi amor," Esteban took her hands in his. "You shouldn't say these things for to err is human. Everyone has flaws, and we've all done things in life we regret, but making a mistake does not mean that you are unworthy of love. I forgave you. My family has forgiven you, although I do not think they realize it yet. Shuriki, cariño, you need to forgive yourself."

Shuriki shook her head. "I can't, I...I don't know how."

He let go of one of her hands and reached up to caress her cheek with his thumb. "Then I will teach you." He couldn't help but smile when Shuriki turned her head and pressed her lips to his palm.

Esteban didn't object-though he was pleasantly surprised-when Shuriki settled herself onto his lap. She nuzzled his neck then nipped and kissed his collarbone before stifling a yawn.

Esteban readjusted himself on the divan so they'd both be more comfortable while Shuriki waited as patiently as she could before resting her head on his chest.


"Yes, querida?"

"Thank you."

Esteban kissed her forehead. "You're welcome, novia."

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