Chapter 1

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Kiera's POV:

I groaned and my eyes slowly started to flutter open. I looked around. I knew this place. I've seen it before, it was my room.

My room.

Jason actually did it. He brought me home. I wanted to break down into tears, yet I wanted to scream out with joy that I was free.

I saw a bag sitting next to me on the bed. It had an envelope on top of it.

So I sat up and I opened it up. There was a letter in it.

Dear Kiera,

I'm so sorry. I thought if I kidnapped you then things would be great, when
In reality my baby girl just kept getting hurt. After the second time of
You almost dying, Alex and I decided that was enough and that it wasn't
Safe for you to be with me. I had so much fun with you while you were here.
We had our ups and downs, but we always managed to get through them.
I know your probably crying right now, but baby please don't cry. I still
Love you and I still want to be with you. I just want you to be safe.
When you got hurt so did I, when you were happy so was I, and when you
Were mad I was mad.
I hope your not mad at me right now for returning you home.
I love you so much. Just please don't worry about anything. Just
Go back to enjoying your friends and family. I'm watching you right now,
I see you crying. Please don't. Please don't come looking for me, because
I will want to jump out and hug you, and I can't. Please just go back
To living a normal life. I love you baby girl. Never forget me. Trust me
I'm still watching over you and protecting you. I mean I am your stalker.
Love you with all my heart.

Jason( A.K.A. Jay)

When I got done reading that my face was completely soaked with tears. I quickly dropped the letter and started looking around my room.

"Jason?" I kept whispering for him hoping he'd answer.

I got off my bed and ran over to the balcony looking down at the city, now sobbing.

"Jay, please come back I need you!"

I fell to the balcony floor on my knees.

I sat there just crying for 30 minutes when it hit me.

My parents don't even know I'm home yet.

I sucked up the tears and quietly started to walk downstairs.

When I got down there I saw two tired looking parents laying on the couch asleep.

I walked over to them and lightly shook them.

"Mom?" "Dad?"

They both moved around in then their eyes slowly opened.

"Kiera?" My dad sounded confused. Have I changed that much? I mean it has been a year.

"I'm back home." I put a weak smile on my face.

"KIERA!!" They both shot up hugging me.

"Baby we missed you so much!!"

"I know I missed you guys too!" Tears started to flow down my cheeks again.

Jason's POV:

Alfredo and I snuck in through Kiera's balcony that lead to her room.

I walked over to her bed and set her down lightly. Alfredo set down her bag right next to her.

It killed me to do this to her. I just sat on the edge of her bed staring at her.

"Come on Jason we need to go. She's going to be waking up soon." Alfredo whispered.

A tear ran down my cheek. I kissed Kiera's forehead. "I love you baby girl." I got up and Alfredo and I started to leave. Leave my whole world all alone.

"Wait!" Alfredo turned around and looked at me.

I pulled and envelope with a letter to Kiera in it out of my pocked and set it on her bag.

Alfredo and I then left, but I was on the roof of another building watching her.

I wanted to see her wake up and make sure she's okay.

I pulled out my binoculars and Alfredo did the same.

I watched her as she got up and she seemed confused in then her confusion immediately turned to hurt.

I watched her as she grabbed the letter. She broke down sobbing and started to panic. I wanted so badly to run to her and give her a hug, but I knew I couldn't. She walked around her room in then she came to her balcony and I could hear what she yelled. Which broke my heart.

"Jay, please come back I need you!"

I saw her fall to her knees and just weep.

"Alfredo, man, what did I do."

I pulled the binoculars from my now red puffy eyes and just looked at Alfredo.

He had a tear running down his cheek.

"Jason we all know it'll be better for Kiera."

I sighed and signaled for us to go.

"C'mon Alfredo. Let's go find a hotel."

"I thought we were going back to Florida?"

"We don't have any missions and I just want to watch Kiera for a couple of days and make sure she's okay."

He nodded in agreement and we began to walk away.

Kiera's POV:

"Babe, you have to tell us what happened."

Jason use to call me babe.

"Why does it matter? I'm okay and back home now aren't I!!?"

I was getting so mad at my parents and I just got home.

"We just want to help you Kiera."

"If you want to help me then, then just let it go."

They nodded and hugged me.

"I'm tired. I'm going to go lay down."

"Okay baby. If you need anything come get us."

Jason use to call me baby.

I just turned around an walked back to my room.

I plopped down on my bad and laid back.

I couldn't stop rereading the letter.

Wait he's still watching me?

I knew what I was going to do tomorrow.


SURPRISE!!! I updated one day early! 😊 Hey guys! Here's the first chapter to the sequel!! Sorry it's short and a little bad!! I hope you guys like it! Oh and in this book expect the unexpected. 😏

Oh and go check out on of @RauhlinBiebz Austin Mahone Fanfic. It would mean a lot to both of us!!

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Much Love!!💜💜





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