(Prologue) My back story

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So I will start at the age 7. So I grew up in a really abusive house hold, Mum and Dad always yelled, threw furniture, screamed and threatened each other. Me and my brother would always run away from home to this abandoned apartment block, at the back of town. Despite the fact that no one goes there, we still loved it. Me and Caleb would stay there for hours sometimes even days, I would be asleep and then I here sirens and next thing I know it I was in a cop car driving home. One night it was my brothers birthday (by the way his name was Caleb), he woke up to freaking yelling and screaming and a massive bang, he woke me up and he was shaking in fright so we grabbed my phone as a torch and he quietly opened the door and tiptoed out into the lounge room where you can see into the kitchen from a corner so we hid behind the corner wall to spy into the kitchen and I see dad holding a gun. Then my eyes darted to the ground to see blood scattered everywhere. We moved forward to see mums dead body on the tiles she was shot in the head. I grabbed Caleb by the wrist and bolted to the abandoned apartment block and called the cops and the paramedics and told them I am in that old apartment block and I tell them my address. As I walked back with Caleb we see the paramedics have arrived. They were carrying the body of my dead mother out of the house, I hugged Caleb as if we were stuck together with superglue as one of the cops came over, "how old are you two and are you related to either of these people" queried the cop "I am 7 a-and my name is Charlie and t-this is Caleb my younger br -brother and he is turning 6 today and yes that is our dad and was our mum" I said to the cop. "excuse me when is my mum going to come back?" Caleb asks worriedly to the cop "sorry mate but she wont be back... Ever " the cop said going down to Calebs level; Caleb and I just sat against a tree a few house down. then Caleb questioned me "hey Charlie what's going to happen with dad and where are we going to go?" "I don't know Cal." I saw the cops come out with all our stuff in suitcases and the they said to hop in the cop car so we hopped in the car and then we were off, we ended up in the police station and they interviewed us and we told them the whole story and we got sent to an orphanage and we were there for about 5 years. I ended up developing anxiety and depression. At breakfast this really rich lady came and adopted us she took us back to this house that was massive it was a 3 storey house with 2 swimming pools a basketball court and 2 tennis courts outside and inside it has a music studio library 2 party room and a whole room as our wordrobe. Life was getting better bit by bit... but Caleb was a bit off... like not right, so I told Anne (the lady who adopted us) what Caleb was like so we took him the the doctors and we sat there for hours on end just for them to give us a few papers and tell us to go to the hospital, we see Caleb who is 11 now getting wheeled into an ambulance so me and Anne go into the ambulance as well and when we go to the hospital Anne gives the service lady these papers so she can tell us where to go. We got told to go to the scanning place so we went there and Caleb was so worried and he had to go in to get his first scran and then 4-6 more hours later they told us to call and ambulance immediately if these symptoms happen: cough with blood, chest pain (extreme), weight loss (extreme), appetite loss (extreme). So we take Caleb home and told him if he coughs up blood to tell us asap I walk down the wall to my room and I couldn't sleep so I went on online and looked up those symptoms and saw the answer but I didn't tell anyone until the symptoms happened. About 30 minutes later Caleb runs in with his hand under his chin blood dripping out his mouth I take him and grab his phone and mine and called my phone so he can tell me what's going on. I put his head on the kitchen sink and too him to keep on the line while I run and grab Anne and to tell me if anything happens. *knock knock* "ANNE! WAKE UP!" I yell crying, she runs out and we bolt to Caleb and see him and I start crying because I know what he might have. *sirens* next thing I saw was an ambulance outside my house pulling my brother in the vehicle I run to get into the ambulance and then Caleb was out and I checked about 5 times that he was not dead just lost a lot of blood. "So what's your name buddy?" The paramedic asked me "my name is Charlie and I am 12 and this is my brother Caleb who is 11" I said fast and stressfully "ok my name is Amy and if u have any questions or queries ask away about anything not just about your bro" Amy said calm and nicely. "What has been the worst case you have had in your job?" I asked very interested trying to get my mind off what's going on, "probably when I did a round of where all the gangs are in NYC it was so bad I had 8 patients with gunshots in all different places and 6 patients that were having seizures because they had a drug" Amy said in an non impressed tone. "My mum died because my dad shot here in the head when I was 7 and Cal was 6" "I know I was one of the people that helped to get you and Calebs stuff" Amy said with a warming smile. We arrived at the hospital and we went straight to the waiting room in some part of the hospital I couldn't tell because I was that scared that I could lose my best friend. I want to say that I was brave and I had thick skin but. I didn't. I had the thinnest skin in the world! About 6 hours later the nurse came out and said "he will have to stay here over a period of time, so we can take some more test because we need to be very sure" "when will I see him again I can't just leave him in here" Anne said fast and worried. " Anne maybe I could stay with him on the seet tonight and you can rent and hotel room for about 1-2 weeks, will that be long enough?" I recommend; "sure I will go and do that now" Anne said as she raced out. I just sat on the corner chair and fell asleep, in the morning I opened my eyes and looked at Caleb sitting in the bed eating some oatmeal. "Hey bro how you doin" Caleb said in a funny voice "good how are you feeling?" I questioned "yeah I feel alright" Caleb said. Next thing I knew it was that Anne was in the room in the chair next to me, *presses red button for nurse* "why did you do that Cal?" I asked "because I want to know if I can get up and take all these Iv's". The nurse walks and unplugged Caleb and went; when Caleb got up, he was so skinny you could almost see his bones! He went to get a bottle of water and went to the toilet and came back when the nurse came in and told us "Caleb needs to have some tests so if you don't mind we will contact you when he is aloud visitors thank for keeping him company" so we gave him a hug and we were on our way to the hotel and we just rested all day actually all week and then finally I get a call from the hospital saying we can wait about 20 minutes in the waiting room and then when can visit him. So we get ready and catch a cab to the hospital and then we walk in and see about 3 doctors and 4 nurses rush into his room and we sit down and I start crying my eyes out "Anne I know what he has I knew ever since he coughed up blood" I say balling my eyes out "WHAT...WHY, didn't t-tell me sweety don't worry I am just surprised I am not angry!" "I looked the symptoms up on my laptop that night and i-it w-w-was...... lung cancer" i can just about get out because I am that upset I can hardly speak. "Are you Calebs family" the nurse asked "yes I am his older brother and is our mum" " I have some extremely bad news for you..." " ...NO...N-NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!" I cut in balling my eyes out screaming while I am trying to get to the room Anne and the nurse were holding me back.

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