First Day At Movieworld

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we get up and Ari had gone down for a run she got a subway role for both of us, we get the same role, we have mayo, ham, lettuce, beetroot, salt and pepper. " thank you" I tell her as I lean up to kiss her off the couch. after I finish the role I go down to the gym to do abs. I get back up to the apartment and have a shower. I get dressed for the day me wearing, white Stussy shirt, black jeans and white with black stripes superstars. Ari is wearing, Adidas originals adicolour boyfriend shirt, black jeans with holes in the knees and the same shoes as me. I call the others on a skype group chat and we decided to go to Warna bros movie world. so we pack to get ready we put a 2 hundred dollars in each of our wallets and a cold bottle of water in our backpacks. I tell Luke he can come in our uber and Bec, Alex and Chris can go in the other so we hang up and I get my phone and a portable charger. We call an uber and we are off, it takes about 30 minutes from where we stayed. We finally get there. As soon as we get out Ari found Bec and Alex they all ran up to each other and screamed. I don't know why though. We all run over to the ticket booths to get our yearly passes, one by one we stand there to get our picture taken and then we all get our cards and go to the gate." we're here Charlie, we're actually here!" Ari tells me as she jumps on back for spiffy back , I lift her up into my back and then we keep on going through the massive archway until we could see all the rides that are up the front and then we would turn sideways to see the lanes with all shops down each side and the massive curtain and screen at the back of the lane where it has two ways. Ari and Alex stay behind to watch the parade from the start while me, Bec, Luke and Chris got lunch for us, we walked back to Bec and Ari with our lunch. We got Prime Burgers, it's so good! After we went around and had some photos done with some of the characters. Chris and Luke mostly had them with the "hottest chics of the south-east" we all could bearly speak or breathe for that matter, we were laughing that hard. Now we were ready to go on rides, so to start off we went on an easy one. The Batwings. its where you sit in a row and you shoot up and then gradually make your way down and then shoot down repeatedly. Then The Wild Wild West. Which is an epic log ride And then we left it as that for the thriller rides and so then we all went to the shops and got capes I got a classic Superman and Ari got a pink Supergirl cape. Then we went into this other shop that had tee shirts and stuff in it. "Awe I use to watch looney toons when I was little" Ari said in a sweet voice dwelling on the past. "Hey, why don't you guys go Into the 4D Cinema and I will catch up with u soon" I suggest as they walk off. I go and get Ari a silver bracelet with a gold Tweety bird charm and a silver necklace chain for me. I save it for later. They come out, " hey guys, ice creams?" I ask "silly question," Bec says laughing we all go over to Ben & Jerry's. Now we go over to the Charlie and the chocolate factory candy store, and got a whole load of Candy! we start heading back now because we wanted to get in the pool before it was late in the afternoon. so we call an uber and go in the same grouping as we came in. We get back to the apartment and we go and get out swimsuits on. I get my light pink swimming trunks on that Ari picked out and I actually grow to like them. then the girls in their bikinis. we go down to the swimming pool, lay out our towels, and all jump in at once. just splashing each other and doing laps tired us out. me and Ari go back up to the apartment and have showers and the get in our comfy clothes. we turn on the television and watch a movie, "what movie do you want to watch?" I ask her  "umm, maybe twilight" "yeah ok" I never say yes to twilight but I wanted to make her happy so yeah. I walk up to behind us in the kitchen and get strawberries and Nutella, Ari's favourite snack. and after an hour or more we both walk with a hunched back, back to the room. I jump into bed waiting for Ari to come back when she did she had lollies so we sat up for a while eating and talking. and fell asleep with Ari's head resting in my lap, so I pick it up and rest it on her soft pillow.

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