Like a tiny paper town

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We get back to school and get to history, it was just like a normal day until the teacher I just stood up and hung a paper on the board without saying anything. We asked him what it was but he would answer, he just told us to look for ourselves. I couldn't believe my eyes, the piece of paper had a sign-up list for people who want to go to Queensland, Australia (surfers paradise) for a holiday/education week. It was weird because he's one of those people who on a holiday lays around and does nothing or is doing everything there is to do! I walk up to his desk and put both hands on it look down at him, he slowly removes the headphones from his ears "yes Charlie?" He says looking up at me like he was intimidated and uncomfortable, "are we actually going for education?" I look at him with a raised eyebrow "well no but I had to say that for the school I just really want you guys to have a few weeks off!" He says out of breathing "that feels so good to finally get out" he adds. I walk back to Ari and the group and told them. We all did a mini celebration by doing small weird dance moves, we all put our names on the seer straight after the celebration. "Ok guys you can have a free period," said Mr. Jessup. We all ran out the door before he could change his mind. As I run out I snatched 5 papers for us and then left the classroom. We all went to the tree and read the sheet of paper it said that this trip will be for 4 months, no payment required, students may bring money for the trip, the trip will take place Tuesday 18th. "Wait... it's tomorrow!!" Bec yelled with excitement, I quickly text Anne to see if she can pick us up early I explained why in the text message and she said fine. An announcement goes for us five to go to the main office with our bags. We get our bags to go to the office to sign
out and then we walk out and hop into Anne's car. Once the car stops we all run out and run up to my run, on the way we snatched a notepad and pen. We get up to my room and go out to the balcony I lie on the sunbed and Ari lays next to me, we start listing stuff we need to go by from Seleta mall: hoodies, jeans shorts, shirts, formal clothes, swimming shorts and more ( that was for the guys) now for the girls: makeup, dresses, shoes, jeans, tops, hats, jackets and more. So we all get the right amount of money from Anne and we all go and catch the bus to the mall. Skip to about five or more hours later we have everything including suitcases and then we head back to our own houses Ari still at mine. We go into the kitchen "that was my year work out!" Ari says with her hands on her hips "more like work out for 5 years" I add we both start laughing. I get us both water bottles and we go upstairs to my room to start packing. We finish 3 hours later and we go out to get a coffee for me and a hot chocolate for Ari. Once we finished our drinks we went up to bed. As I fell asleep I was planning how I was going to give Ari the ring, I thought of this: go to a beautiful beach and at sunset do it! We wake up at 6:45 and get our suitcases and pick up the others on the way to the airport. We got there an hour later and then go through security and everything. I bight down on my cracked dry lips. I was nervous. "Hey, Charlie are you ok," Bec asked "it's just... I have never been on a plane before" I muttered. It was kinda embarrassing how much I was stressing out. like seriously suck it up I thought, clenching my fists. We went to the boarding lounge, and I just plugged in my headphones. About half an hour to an hour later I opened my eyes and lift a headphone off to hear the announcement for us to board the plane. I get up as my legs are trembling, I walk over to the head desk hand my ticket over and walk Ari catches up to me and we both go to our seats. We sat next to each other, I could help but to start to freak out. I sat down and took a sip of the water the flight attendant gave me. I feel my palms get sweaty and my feet start trembling and I close my eyes and take deep breathes. Once I eventually calm myself down we are a few seconds away from being in the air I place my hand on top of Ari's and look at her and say we are doing this no turning back now. She just smiled at me; the smile reached from ear to ear. I couldn't help but give a faint smile back but I'd didn't bother her too much. I look out the window and it was amazing everything looked fake as if it was fairy lights. Like a paper town.

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