great to be back!

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A/N Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating the story as often as I used to will try my hardest, just no inspiration so if u got any ideas comment them please|| and also sorry for the tiny chapter I just wanted to get it out -Lex

"Hello?" Alex answers her phone "oh ok thank you I will be right over" Alex hangs up and calls an uber to go to the hospital. She walks into Becs hospital room to see Bec sitting up and eating breakfast, Alex runs to grab the chair and puts it up on the bed and asks her how she is "I am fine thanks, Alex" "that's goo..." "Hows Luke?" Bec asks cutting off Alex "oh um he's ok now" "sorry I just had a feeling he was worrying" "oh he was," says Alex rolling her eyes. Alex starts to pack Becs stuff up. They get back and I texts in the group chat to meet me and Ari at the Starbucks around the corner, they all see it, Me and Ari get ready and head off. We all walk in to see Bec, we all run up to her and give her a hug. "So glad your back," I say hugging her, for the next few hours we sat there on their couch watching Netflix with bec in Luke's arms and Ari in mine. It's the next morning and for the first, I am the first one awake so I grab a pillow and put it under Ari's head and go into the kitchen to go get my cigarettes and lighter. I walk out to the balcony and pull the chair over to me and sit down, I light the cigarette and think if Caleb was still alive what would he want to be when he is older, would he have a girlfriend etc. I always try to stay away from the subject of Caleb, because I try to be as positive as possible because I don't want to ruin everyone else's great day with my depressing thoughts. I finally come back to reality and put my smoke in the ashtray, and walk back in, everyone is still asleep so I go and have a shower. I step out the shower and wrap the towel around my waist and put my deodorant the chuck my clothes on. I walk out into the living space while Ari and Bec were awake watching the breakfast club, I walk over and kiss Ari on the head then give Bec a fist bump and then go make myself a coffee. I grab my coffee and walk over to the couch and sit next to Ari, she then rests her head on my shoulder so I wrap my arm around her.

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