Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful morning in LA, the sun shining and people walking all around The Grove. I sipped my unsweetened iced tea as I walked to my car, feeling accomplished after my successful morning of shopping. Nothing could ruin my day today, since it was my two-year anniversary with my boyfriend Alex and he had a huge surprise for me. I felt butterflies thinking of all the possibilities of what he could have came up with, since he is the romantic type.

            After starting my car, I rolled down all the windows and blasted my music while singing along. Everything about today was absolutely amazing: the weather, the people, the vibe that was given off, and so much more. When I pulled up to my building, I smoothed down my now messy blonde hair and pulled my sunglasses off my face. I made my way to the elevator, still humming the song that was playing in the car earlier.

            When I reached my floor, I nodded my head up and down still humming the song.

            You make me feel like, I've been locked out of heaven...

            I unlock my door and walk in, placing my bags on the counter. I hear Becca in the other room, giggling loudly. I rolled my eyes jokingly, assuming that she was with her boyfriend Greg. I could hear it coming from my room, which was strange to me. I tiptoed to the door, pressing my ear against the door. I could hear a repetitive banging, and heard some noises.

            "She's going to find out Alex."

            "She'll be home in an hour or so, let's just enjoy this right now."

            "Alright baby, you're so frickin hot."

            I could not process what I had just heard, and before I knew it I was turning the doorknob.

            They didn't notice me or hear me at first, and continued to have sex right in front of me. I watched for a second appalled, not knowing what to say. I cleared my throat, and they froze.

They rushed to cover themselves up, while Alex walked towards me trying to explain what happened. I turned and stormed to my front door, until I felt my arm being grabbed.

            "Scar, please don't go," Alex pleaded. I ripped my arm away and gave him a nasty look.

            "You're not allowed to call me that anymore," I spat at him. I grabbed my bags and walked out, slamming the door behind me. When I reached the elevator, everything hit me at once and tears escaped my eyes. I wiped them away, refusing to cry right now. I walked out of the elevator when it reached my floor and ran to my car, jumping in it quickly. I started it up and drove off quickly, hoping to reach my special spot as fast as possible.

            Upon arrival, I hopped out of my car and walked to my designated spot. It was a trail, leading to a beautiful view of LA. I sped-walked and made it there quickly, like I had wanted. I found the rock I sit on and plopped on it, everything that had just happened hitting me. Tears fell from my eyes, wondering where I had gone wrong. I choked out sobs, feeling the worst that I've ever felt in my life.

            I replayed the situation over and over in my head: Of all people, he cheats with, it's my best friend and it's on our two-year anniversary. More tears sprang from my eyes, and I could feel my world crumbling around me. I didn't know what to do about anything: my apartment, my "best friend," my stuff, and the fact that I was now single.

            I heard a crunch behind me, and my body went stiff. No one has ever been up to this area before, and I knew damn well that animals don't come up here either. I turned quickly to see a boy, and we both screamed.

            "How did you find this spot?" I shrieked, holding my chest as I panted heavily.

            "How did YOU find this spot?" he asked.

            "I asked you first," I replied, while rolling my eyes.

            "I was exploring, and here I am. Your turn," he said, noticing that my eyes were puffy and red. A look of concern crossed his face, and curiosity gleamed in his eyes.

            "This is my thinking spot," I answered. He nodded with approval at my answer.

            "Well anyway, I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. "Are you alright though? You look really upset." I felt his eyes on me, but I couldn't look at him because I knew I would start crying.

            "Yes, I'm fine," I replied, looking up at him as tears leaked from my eyes. He came towards me, and pulled me into his chest. He squeezed me tightly, and I felt myself give out as I sobbed into the boy's chest.

            "I'm sorry, you don't even know me and I'm crying into your chest," I said, pulling away from him.

            "You don't deserve to be crying, no one deserves to," he said, smiling. I finally got a good look of him, and I was mesmerized. He was very tall, with beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair that was messy but in a cute way.

            "When you walk in on your best friend and boyfriend, it's hard not to," I replied, chuckling in a sarcastic tone. His eyes went wide, and were full with some sort of anger.

            "Who in the world would do that to someone?" the boy replied, clenching his fists.

            I sat down on the rock, and motioned for him to sit next to me. He plopped next to me, swinging his arm around me in a comforting way.

            "So what's your name?" he asked.

            "Scarlett, what about you?" I replied.          

            "Grayson," he answered, smiling a little bit. He had an adorable smile, so adorable that I felt myself beginning to smile.

            "Hey, you're smiling! That's great," he said, causing me to laugh. He laughed along with me, and the way it sounded made me want to hear it forever.

            "Thank you for comforting me," I told him, feeling better than I did before.

            "Of course, my pleasure. Wait, you have an eyelash on your face," he replied, reaching over to wipe it off my first. As he did it, we made eye contact and kept it. He wiped it away slowly, my green eyes staring into his deeply. I could feel my heart beating quickly, and my knees shaking a little bit. We finally looked away, as he cleared his throat.

            "Well Scarlett, it was great meeting you. I would like to see you again," he smiled, reaching into his back-pocket and pulling out his phone. He handed it to me, and I punched my number into it.

            "It was nice meeting you too Grayson, let's talk soon," I replied, smiling big. He made his way down the trail, and I watched him. Something felt right when I was with him, but I wasn't sure why. Right now, I had to go back and figure out the arrangement between Becca and I.

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