Chapter 9

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~Grayson's POV~

            "Grayson!" Cam yelled, snapping me out of my trance. I looked at her, my eyes red from silently crying. Two important people in my life were in danger.

            "Yes?" I asked.

            "Your phone! ANSWER!" she exclaimed. I reached for it, and it was Scarlett. I quickly answered it.

            "Baby!" I yelled.

            "Bro that's homo," Ethan said, chuckling.    

            "Oh hey E, BUT WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?" I asked anxiously.

            "My old apartment," another voice said, recognizing Scarlett.

            "Scar, are you okay baby?" I worriedly questioned.

            "I'm managing, just hurry up Gray. Bring a weapon," she quickly said.

            "Fuck, he's coming back," E said before hanging up.

            I was shaking with anger and worry, not knowing if they were completely alright.

            "Gray, go in my bag and unzip the zipper," Cam said. I did what she said and when I opened the zipper, there was a huge pocket knife.

            "Cam! Why do you have a big ass knife with you?" I asked.

            "Grayson, you just never know alright? Now get in there and kick that guy's ass," she demanded.

            "I need you Cam, as a diversion," I said.

            "What do you need me to do?" she asked.

            I explained the plan and before we knew it, we were on her floor ready to fight for Ethan and Scarlett...

~Ethan's POV~

            "You're such a dumb bitch," Alex said, burning a cigarette on her arm. I felt my blood boil, hearing her scream in pain.

            "Please!" she begged, but he laughed and moved the cigarette to a different spot.

            "Dude, stop or I'll stand up and fucking kill you," I snapped, seeing only red.

            "You can't do shit," he spat with his face only a few centimeters from mine. I finally snapped. I grabbed his neck, choking him with all my strength. He pulled out a pocket knife and jabbed it into my chest. I choked, falling back into the chair. I gasped, trying to breathe. I need to stay strong right now. Breathe Ethan.

~Scarlett's POV~

            Ethan was struggling to breathe, since he had just been stabbed. I felt sadness and anger, wanting to choke Alex to death. I was too weak to move, and Ethan hadn't untied me.

            "E," I whispered. He reached his hand back, holding mine. I was so scared, and I looked around to see the door open a crack. Alex was at the front door talking to someone.

            "Hey honey, are you in need of some fun?" a voice asked. Cameron.

            "No thanks," Alex said, staring to close the door. She stopped it, pushing her way inside.

            "Hey! Get out you slut!" Alex snapped, and Cameron pushed him onto the couch. I could see her starting to give him a lap dance, and he got into it. I owed Cameron so much for this.

            "Keep going baby," Alex moaned, and I saw Cameron roll her eyes. I could see a figure crawling on the ground, and open the door slightly. GRAY.

            "I'm here," he whispered, and his eyes went wide when he looked at us especially Ethan.

            "E!" he said, running over.

            "I'm alright, just pull it out and cut Scarlett free," E said weakly.

            "No, I have a knife already," Gray said, pulling it out and walking over to me. He looked at me, and tears instantly fell from his eyes.

            "Scar, are you alright?" he asked, getting on his knees so he could cut the ropes and free me. I nodded, looking off into the distance. I was too shocked at the moment to speak.

            He freed me, and I limped over to Ethan. He was losing blood, fast.

            "Apply pressure to the wound," I whispered, taking Grayson's jacket. I gave Ethan a sympathetic look as I quickly pulled the knife out of his chest. He hissed in pain, and I put pressure on his stab wound.

            "HEY!" Alex bellowed, and I turned quickly.

            Oh shit.

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