Chapter 6

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"ALL YOU YOUNG AND WILD GIRLS, YOU MAKE A MESS OF MEEE!" I belted out while jumping on my bed. It was currently 2AM and I was going wild. I heard footsteps coming in my direction, expecting it to be Grayson but I saw the streak of purple hair in the doorway. Ethan.

            "Hey E!" I said, smiling big.

            "You realize it's 2 in the morning right?" he chuckled, running his hand through his hair.

            "I do indeed," I replied sassily, laughing after. I flopped on my bed, and patted the spot next to me motioning for him to lay with me. He jumped and flopped next to me, giggling.

            "So what brings you to my room?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling.

            "Well, not only did I hear you blasting Bruno Mars aka my main man," he laughed. "But I'm delivering an important message from Grayson who doesn't know I'm telling you this."

            "So you're telling me a secret of his?" I questioned, turning and raising an eyebrow at him while wondering what Grayson said.

            "I am, and it is juicy," he joked, making me laugh. He turned to face me.

            "What is it? Spill!" I smiled, poking his face.

            "Alright, so while you were showering before, I walked into his room and he was just laying on his bed with a pillow over his face. I moved it, and he covered his eyes which he only does if he is crying.
~~~Flashback in Ethan's POV~~~

            "Gray, are you crying bro?" I asked, feeling instantly concerned.

            "No, my eyes are just sweating," he muttered, making me chuckle a little.

            "What's the deal bro?" I sighed, sitting next to him.

            "E, I don't want anything to happen to Scar. I'm so scared she is going to get hurt and I want to protect her. Dude I'm also scared because I've never felt this way about anyone! I've known her for like 2 days, and I don't understand why I feel this way," he explained, moving his hands away from his face to reveal his bloodshot eyes.

            "Dude, do you love her?" I asked, my eyes going wide. He thought for a minute, his eyes going wide afterwards.

            "Holy shit dude," he said, running his hands through his hair.

            "I mean do you believe in love at first sight?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

            "Yeah, I do but I never thought I would experience it. Wow... I love Scarlett," he realized, sitting up.

            "Tell her bro," I suggested.

            "No! It's too early," he replied. "I'll wait for the right time."

            "Alright fine, now go to sleep dude," I chuckled at him. He smiled, nodding and laying back on his bed. I shut the light and closed the door. Now to go to sleep.

            I laid in my bed, and the thought of not telling her killed me. You don't keep it a secret, especially something as big as that. I looked at my alarm clock. 2:01AM. I heard music playing from her room. She was blasting Bruno Mars at full volume and singing. I couldn't take it anymore, and before I knew it I was in her doorway.

~~~Back to Present in Scarlett's POV~~~

            My mouth hung open.

            "He loves me?" I whispered.

            "You didn't hear it from me," Ethan said, putting his hands up in defense.

            "E, how could he love me so soon and after everything that just happened to me?" I questioned, covering my face. I knew how I felt about him, but I didn't think he would feel that way back.

            "Scarlett, he believes you're different than anyone he has ever been with. Hell, you're one of the most amazing people I'VE ever met. You're a keeper Scar, and Gray wants YOU. You should take this opportunity now or else someone will come in and ruin it for you," he strictly said. I was taken aback, but I knew that he was right. I shouldn't hold back, but after Alex I was scared.

            "I do feel like I'm falling in love, ever since he held me while I crumbled in his arms. He won't hurt me right?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

            "Of course not Scar. Most girls that he has been with were gold-diggers, and you're not one. He won't hurt you, and neither will I," he said, smiling at me.

            "I'm going now," I stated, standing up. Ethan yelled my name, but I ignored him as I walked to his room. I quietly opened the door, looking into the room. He was sleeping on his side, curled up with a pillow like he was holding a person and his mouth opened a little. My heart melted, he was so freaking cute. I tip-toed to the side of his bed, and moved the pillow slightly. He grunted in his sleep, beginning to talk.

            "Scarlett don't go," he whined, squeezing the pillow. I held my mouth to keep from aweing and laughing. I pulled a little harder, and eventually he let go. I threw the pillow on the floor and crawled where he had been holding the pillow. He stirred in his sleep.

            "Ethan this isn't funny," he mumbled, half awake.

            "Do I sound like Ethan?" I sassed, giggling quietly.

            "Oh hi, what are you doing in here?" Gray asked, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Not that I want you to go, because I sleep way better next to you."

            "Grayson Bailey Dolan, two things: Ethan told me your middle name and I love you," I stated, facing him. His eyes opened up, looking down at me.

            "Y-You do?" he asked, looking a little embarrassed. He knew that Ethan had told me.

            "Yes, I do, and I have since you held me while I cried the day I met you," I said, smiling up at him. He looked so happy.

            "I love you too Scarlett Anna Williams, and Ethan told me your middle name," he replied, leaning down and kissing me. I felt my toes curl, and the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I pulled away, panting.

            "I have to punch Ethan for telling you my middle name," he said, and I nodded in agreement.

            "Do it tomorrow," I mumbled, cuddling into his chest.

            "Fine, only because you look so adorable right now," he teased, pulling me closer to him so that there was no space between us.

            "Good night, I love you," I said, smiling into his chest.

            "I love you more princess," he mumbled back, kissing the top of my head. Right before I drifted off he said something again.

            "I won't let him come near you, Alex is a dead man. You're mine and that's all that matters. You and me, forever," he said kissing my head again.


            Forever sounds amazing to me.

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