Chapter 8

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~Gray's POV~

            "They've been gone an awful while now," my dad said.                                                                  Something did not feel right at all, so I excused myself to go look while they cleaned up. I walked to the bathroom, and saw that Scar wasn't in there. I felt my heart begin to race, and I frantically looked around for her.

            I turned around to see Ethan getting into a car, and Scarlett laying in the backseat. I froze in horror as I saw a guy holding a gun up against Ethan's back. Alex.

            That motherfucker.

            "HEY!" I screamed, bolting to the car. Alex got in the car and drove off as I approached it. I screamed in frustration as he drove off, disappearing down the road. I pulled out my phone and called Cam.

            "Dude where are you?" she asked.

            "Cam! Ethan and Scarlett were taken!" I shouted shakily.

            "WHAT?" she shrieked, pulling away from the phone to tell my mom and dad. I heard them gasp in horror.

            "We need to find them Cam!" I said determined.

            "I'll go with you alright? I'll send Mom and Dad back to their hotel," she calmly said. "Where are you?"

            "By the entrance of the park," I said, and she hung up. I paced back and forth until she came running over.

            "Grayson! Let's get in my car, and we'll drive around. Do you have any idea where they might have gone?" she questioned.

            "No," I whispered, my breath shaking a little.

            "We'll drive by your place and just look okay? Just breathe," she reassured me, as we got in the car. While she drove, she gripped my hand to let me know that I need to take deep breaths. I listened and deeply breathed as we drove around LA.

            Scarlett, where could you be?

~Scarlett's POV~

            I felt my eyes flutter open, and did not recognize where I was. I frantically looked around, and felt my hands and feet tied to the chair I was on. I heard a sigh behind me and turned enough to see Ethan.

            "Ethan?" I whispered.

            "Scar are you alright?" he asked worried.

            "Yea, wait where are we?" I asked, confused.

            "I can barely see, so I'm not sure," he answered. I looked around and tried to see if I could recognize anything. I looked up at the ceiling, and noticed a small hole. A memory came back to me.


            "Happy 6 month anniversary baby," Alex said, getting ready to pop open a bottle of champagne. The cork flew up and hit the ceiling, making me crack up laughing. He blushed, and I leaned over to kiss him.

            "Don't worry, we still have champagne," I chuckled. We laughed and poured a glass for each of us...

~Back to Reality~

            "Oh my gosh, we're in my old room!" I whispered, shocked.

            "Wait why would he bring us here? What?" Ethan asked, extremely confused. Before I could answer, the door opened.

            "Sleeping beauty is awake now, huh?" Alex asked, smirking.

            "Fuck you Alex, why did you do this?" I spat at him, feeling my blood boil.

            "I wouldn't talk to me like that Scarlett," he said back. He proceeded to slap me in the face, so hard that it stung with unbearable pain. I held back my tears, refusing to show any sign of weakness to Alex.

            "Dude, why the fuck are you doing this? And also, where do I come into play?" Ethan asked angrily.

            "Shut the fuck up," Alex spat, punching Ethan in the face. I could hear him quietly whimpering, which made my blood boil even more.

            "Grayson stole what is mine from me. Scarlett, you are mine and only mine. I own you, and leaving me was the worst mistake you could make," he started to say.

            "YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I shrieked, which resulted in him kicking my stomach and punching me in the face twice. I had never felt that much pain in my life. My stomach was turning, and before I knew it I was throwing up. I vomited all over the floor, stinking up the room. Alex clenched his fists.

            "You dumb bitch! I will be back in 10 minutes with everything, and YOU'RE going to clean it up," Alex bellowed, and walked out while slamming the door. Ethan turned his head, a concerned look on his face.

            "Scar, are you alright?" he asked. I knew he knew I wasn't, but the thought counted.

            "Honestly, I don't know what to do," I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.

            "Well good news for you, my hands are free," he responded. My eyes went wide.

            "HOW?" I whisper-yelled at him.

            "I sawed through the rope with your bracelet. I'll buy you a new one," he quickly said. "Where is your phone?"
             "In my bra," I awkwardly said, looking down. He gulped, but reached in there and grabbed it.

            "I am so sorry," he apologized, before dialing Grayson.

            Grayson, please come soon...

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