Chapter 5

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"Feed me a fry," E demanded, and I shoved a handful of fries into his mouth while giggling. We were currently at a McDonald's, stuffing our faces.

            "Guys, I really want to go back to the spot where everything started," I said, looking at Grayson.

            "E, she goes to the same spot as we do," he told him, Ethan's eyes going wide.

            "Woah, I can't believe someone else found it," he said, chuckling after.

            "I want to watch the sunset," I stated.

            "Let's definitely do that!" Ethan said, Grayson nodding in agreement as he kissed my cheek.

            After we had finished our food, we piled in the car and drove back to the area where it all began. The three of us hiked up to the specific spot, finally reaching it. I went directly to the rock, sitting on it but leaving room for the two to sit beside me. Gray sat on my left and Ethan sat on my right, as we looked out over the city.

            "I still cannot get enough of this place," Grayson whispered. "It's so beautiful up here."

            "I feel you bro, it's the most beautiful view I've ever seen," E replied.

            "The most beautiful view is right next to me," Gray said, looking at me. I looked up at him, smiling big and kissing his lips as a thank-you.

            "I found this when I first moved here," I said. "I came here to think, and when my ex-boyfriend went out with his friends I came here."

            "Scar, what happened that night?" Ethan asked, tilting his head in curiosity. I felt my body tense up a little bit, closing my eyes and sighing. I had actually forgotten about him, and my stupid self said something to remind myself.

            "To sum it up, I walked in on my ex-boyfriend and best friend having sex. I stormed out, came here, and suddenly Grayson appeared," I said, feeling my bottom lip quiver as I looked him in the eyes and told him. A look of hurt flashed across his face.

            "Scar, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry," E said, hugging me as tears fell from my eyes. Sobs began to come out of me as I broke down. Grayson rubbed my back, already knowing the story.

            "It's alright Ethan," I managed to get out between sobs. I looked at him and he looked so upset. I pinched his cheek, smiling so that he stops looking sad.

            "It's seriously alright, look I'm okay," I said, and he still looked upset.

            "E, don't feel bad bro," Grayson said, a concerned look on his face.

            "I feel so badly for you. I've been there before, my ex cheated on me too," E choked out, his eyes becoming glossy.

            "Ethan no!" I exclaimed, tears falling.

            "Suddenly this is really depressing," Grayson mumbled to himself, causing me to laugh. Like really hard. Grayson looked at me confused, wondering why I was being like this.

            "My emotions are everywhere right now," I said, causing the boys to start laughing. Ethan looked a little bit happier, which made me happy.

            "I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to make everything depressing," I apologized, putting my arms around both of them. They both leaned their heads on my shoulders, as we watched the sunset in silence. A peaceful silence. The sun finally set, and the stars came out. There was not a cloud in the sky, so everything could be seen.

            "Hey Scar," Grayson said.

            "Yes?" I asked.

            "You know that Ethan and I will never hurt you, right?" he questioned, looking at me. I turned to face him, noticing a look of absolute love in his eyes.

            "He's right Scarlett. We would never hurt you, nor would we want to. You're such a great person, and we both want you in our lives for as long as possible," Ethan stated, causing me to turn my head and face him too. I realized how lucky I was to have met these boys in this very moment.

            "You guys promise?" I said, extending a pinky to each of them. They both cracked a smile, and locked their pinkies with mine.

            "We promise," they said simultaneously. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I looked down and noticed it was a text from Becca. Watch your back Scar. Alex is looking for you, and he's pissed.

            I froze, not knowing what to do in this very moment. Alex was looking for me, but why? He's the one who cheated on me, what? So many questions were running through my head.

            "You alright babe?" Grayson asked, snapping me out of my trance. I debated whether or not to tell him, since I was really scared he would hurt them.

            "Yea, I'm okay," I said smiling, lying right through my teeth. He smiled back, leaning in to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

            "I'm super tired, can we go home?" I asked, remembering that I live with them. I instantly felt more protected, but still worried about Alex finding me. Who knows if I can trust Becca either?

            "Same here, let's go," Ethan said, standing up and reaching out his hand so that he can help me up. I thanked him while getting up, and turned around to wait for Grayson.

            We all began walking to the car, and I grabbed both of their hands. I was so nervous that Alex was going to find me, and what he would do if he did.

            "Um Scar what are you doing?" Ethan laughed, but grabbed my hand anyway.

            "Alright listen, I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to worry you. But, Becca texted me saying that Alex my ex was after me," I blurted, gripping both of their hands. They instantly stopped, and I felt Grayson tense up.

            "That bastard better not come near you," he grumbled, squeezing my hand making it hurt. I whimpered, and Grayson let go realizing that he was hurting me. He looked at my hand, seeing it turning black and blue. I saw guilt in his eyes.

            "Gray it's alright!" I reassured him, even though it hurt really bad.

            "We won't let him hurt you Scarlett. We got your back," Ethan said, giving my other hand a soft squeeze.  "I'll be in the car, take your time." He walked to the car, leaving us alone.

            "I'm sorry, I just get really angry and don't think. Your hand oh my god I am so sorry Scarlett! I just feel like I need to look out for you, since you're my girlfrie-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. He kissed back, putting his hand on my lower back to pull me close to him. I pulled away as we just looked at each other.

            "I'm alright Grayson, and I know you guys will protect me," I smiled.

            "You're not leaving my side," hestated strictly, smiling. We kissed once more and then held hands as we walkedto the car. I don't mind Grayson, trustme

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