Chapter 7

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~6 months later~

            "Boys! You're going to be late!" I screamed while flipping pancakes. They rushed into the kitchen and sat down, waiting for breakfast. I put a few pancakes on their plates and they ate quickly.

            "Bye baby, I love you," Grayson said, kissing my lips and running out of the apartment.

            "Bye Scar!" E exclaimed, kissing my cheek and chasing after Grayson. They had a meeting with Awesomeness TV today about something huge for them.

            It's been six months, probably the best six months of my life. Grayson has been the best boyfriend I've ever had. He gives me nothing but love and support every second of the day. I moved into his room and we turned my room into a guest room. Ethan has also been absolutely amazing, always giving me advice and making me laugh when I feel a little down. He also helped me plan for tonight, since it's Grayson and I's six-month anniversary. I had something huge planned, and I know he's not going to expect it.

            I decided to get ready and go shopping to get the rest of the supplies for tonight. I slipped on a pair of black running shorts and a white tank top, then into my running shoes. I threw my hair up in a bun and put sunglasses on my eyes that were still puffy from sleeping. I grabbed my bag and walked out, ready to face the day ahead of me.

            After driving and stopping for a quick coffee, I finally pulled into a parking spot by The Grove. I hopped out and sipped my iced coffee while humming to myself. I went into a store and picked out outfits for myself to try on for tonight. I had to look perfect for him.

            Half an hour later, I finally had an outfit together. I had a little black dress and black heels, simple but sexy. I knew he would love it when he saw me. I paid and was casually walking around until paparazzi started swarming me. I learned to just ignore them and keep walking, bur sometimes they say something that sets me off on them.

            "Scarlett! How are you and Grayson?!"

            "Is it true that you're engaged?"

            "How is your singing career going?"

            "Is it true you cheated on Grayson with your ex-boyfriend?" This comment made me freeze. I tried to hold it in, but before I knew it I was yelling in this guy's face.

            "Grayson and I are FANTASTIC, and I HAVE NEVER cheated on him because he is amazing," I snapped, flipping them off before walking into a store to find Grayson an outfit.

            I knew I was going to get in trouble later, but at that point I didn't care. I hate that people think I would cheat on him. He treats me like a princess, why would I ever give all of that up for something as stupid as hooking up with someone else?

            Twenty minutes later, I was walking out with clothes and a few things for the surprise. I drove home, feeling excited for what was going to happen later. When I reached the apartment, I pulled out the key and unlocked the door. I walked in and set everything down, going to get myself ready and to leave clues.

            A few hours later, I was ready and all the clues were set. I left the house, going to the location to finish last-minute things.

~Grayson's POV~

            "Baby I'm home!" I yelled, walking in the apartment. Ethan was trailing behind me holding a bag of McDonald's for all of us to eat. I didn't hear her, which made me a little nervous.

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