Chapter 10

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~Grayson's POV~

            Alex charged at me, and I pulled the knife on him. I stabbed him in the chest, causing him to fall to the floor. I sat on top of him, pulling his collar so he would look at me.

            "Listen you motherfucker, Scarlett is fucking MINE. You got that? You chose to cheat on her and let her get away. You deserve to rot in hell, you bastard," I spat at him, standing up. I turned around and felt a grip on my ankle, making me fall. Alex tried to crawl towards me, and I noticed that the knife from Ethan's wound was lying on the ground. I grabbed it and stabbed him in the throat. Alex choked, bleeding hardcore from his neck. I stood up, a pool of blood forming on the ground.

            No one said a word for a moment as Alex died in front of us.

            "Die motherfucker," Scarlett said, kicking his head. Alex groaned, and took one final breath before dying. She spat on him, tears falling from her eyes. She looked in my direction, hurt and agony in her eyes.

            "Guys, we need to call the police and an ambulance," Cameron said, walking into the room to see Ethan whimpering on the ground and Alex dead. Her eyes went wide.

            "You killed him?" she shrieked, running a hand through her hair.

            "Self-defense?" Ethan replied weakly, making me laugh a little. Scarlett smiled, eventually laughing as well. I pulled out my phone, calling 911 and explaining the incident.

            A few moments later, the police cars and ambulances pulled up to the building. They came to our floor and attended to E and Scar. Alex was placed in a body bag, and I was being questioned.

            "So, Ethan Dolan and Scarlett Williams were kidnapped by Alex?" he asked, and I nodded.

            "Yes, at gunpoint to be exact," Ethan chimed from across the room. I looked at him, and he gave me a thumbs up as he was wheeled out of the apartment on a stretcher. Scarlett was currently having her face iced and burns treated. She looked at me, a scared look in her eyes. I smiled at her, and she blushed and looked down.

            After some questions, I hopped into the ambulance with Ethan and Scarlett tagging along. Cameron went to pick up our parents in her car. Man, did I owe her for what she did as the diversion. We all sat in silence, not knowing how to bring up what had just happened.

            "Gray," Scar whispered, looking up at me. I looked down at her, and she hugged me tightly. She began breaking down in my arms, shakily breathing in the process. I squeezed her, making sure to let her know that I was here now.

            "It's all over Scar, I promise," I whispered.

            "Guys?" Ethan mumbled. He had been laying with his eyes closed.

            "Hey E," I said. He grabbed my free hand and squeezed it, looking at me.

            "Thank you bro," he said, tears falling from his eyes. I nodded, gripping his hand back.

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