Chapter 2

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When I arrived back at my apartment, Becca was at the table with her head in her hands. As I placed my bag down, she revealed her face and her eyes went wide.

            "Scar," she whispered, and I just ignored her as I got myself a glass of water. I sat across from her, staring at her and showing no emotion. She waited for me to speak, but I stayed quiet as I stared her down.

            "Why?" I finally asked, speaking firmly. She looked taken aback, but looked down.

            "I don't know Scar, it just happened," she replied, not looking me in the eyes.

            "How long has it been going on?" I questioned her, not letting myself break down.

            "2 months," she whispered, tears leaking from her eyes. I was appalled, but kept calm.

            "Here is what is going to happen: you're moving out. I'll give you a week to pack up everything, but don't even think about speaking to me," I stated, standing up after and walking to my room. I could hear her break down crying, but there was not an ounce of sympathy for her whatsoever. I saw my bed and remembered what had happened in there earlier, so I ripped the sheets off and threw them on the floor.

            After putting new sheets on, I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt my phone vibrate, and turned to check it.

            Hey it's Grayson :).

            I smiled, deciding to text him back.

            Hey what's up? :)

            Chilling with my bro. What about you?

            Laying on my bed thinking.

            That's cool! Are you busy right now?
Nope :)

            Great, we'll pick you up in 10 ;)

            Who's we? And I live on Howard Boulevard in the Riverdale Apartments.

            See you soon ;)

            I jumped up and ripped apart my closet looking for something cute to wear. I finally settled on an Aztec crop top with denim shorts and my black converse. I threw my hair up into a cute bun, and applied some mascara and lip balm. Hopefully, this was cute enough.

            I'm here.

            I rushed out, seeing Becca with boxes as she trudged into her room.

            I got outside, and jumped when a horn honked. I saw Grayson and a boy who looked remotely similar to him in the passenger seat. I ran and hopped in the backseat, smiling big.

            "Hey Scarlett! This is my twin brother Ethan, he's cool don't worry," he said, smiling big at me.

            "Hi Ethan, it's nice to meet you," I replied, and he looked back at me.

            "What's up? Grayson has been talking about you all da-" he said but was cut off by Grayson putting his hand over his mouth.

            "All day huh?" I teased, laughing afterwards. Grayson's face went red as Ethan and I cried of laughter.

            "Shut up guys! Now, we're going to eat since E and I haven't eaten yet," he said.

            "I hope it's pizza," I replied.

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