I Got It

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Cameron's pov
It's finally been a long term time with all the guys two months actually a lot has really happen actually with me living with them a lot can actually happen when you're with seven guys who have a lot of crazy things happen to them in there idol life's.

Slowly me and Yoongi became really good friends we hang out a lot I give him my input with lyrics he has and he's grateful that I am here to help him.

I don't know what changed him but I'm happy we're good friends Jungkook after the night two months ago he is back to the old Jungkook I know I see it that means I can leave soon and be out of the idols lives.

Jungkook is the happy kookie he once was I was with Yoongi and Hoseok at big hit in there little studio they used for focus and music.

I was on my phone scrolling through alkpop seeing all the weird things people get or even the news they receive.  I chuckled quietly.

"What?"  I whispered with a smile "everyone still thinks Jimin is dating Seulgui." I whispered very amused chuckling quietly slumped in my seat and chair.

I looked up when Yoongi hummed loudly looking at me "you reading tabloids?" he asked amused when Hoseok snorted I nodded "yeah things get pretty crazy." I said amused hearing the two laugh.

I smiled but I then felt a  sudden rush to through me and my right hand twitched "no not now."  I muttered scared when I clutched my fist breathing heavy and I let my head fall.

"Yoongi."  I strained out fast seeing Yoongi look up quick from his laptop with wide eyes.

"Right now."  Yoongi called with a little worry I nodded and Yoongi got up "okay come on."  Yoongi muttered when he gripped my arm and I held my hand tight in a fist.

"Will he be okay?"  Hoseok asked looking up and I nodded"I'll be fine."  I grunted before we left.

I moved away from Yoongi letting a exclaim out angrily and I hitting the wall hard with my fist feeling the skin split a bit from my fist at the impact.

"Shit wait Cameron calm down."  Yoongi called when I started angrily crying I hit the hard wall again with my other hand immediate pain spreading through my entire left hand "shit!"  I scream angry in pain breathing heavy and sat on the ground crying.

"Yoongi."  I mumbled when he crouched down in front of me looking at me "let me see your hand."  he demanded and I lifted my left hand up looking away "oh shit."  Yoongi mumbled.

"I think you sprained your hand." he gasped out when I gasped from pain "damn." I muttered "at least I wasn't around Hoseok when it happen." I strained out "not funny."  Yoongi grumbled helping me up.

"Come on stupid we're going to the emergency room just in case it is broken you're really lucky I like you now or I would have left you." Yoongi grumbled.

I released a laugh letting Yoongi keep his arms around my lower back as I held my aching fist and hand over his shoulder "you love me too much." I joked when Yoongi laughed.

I saw some blood soaked my hand and I didn't wanna get Yoongi's clothes messed up but he didn't mind "oh my gosh what happen?"   I heard Jimin exclaim when him and Jungkook were outside in the halls.

I hissed feeling more pain when Jungkook look up from his phone "a attack nothing to serious."  I called when Yoongi nodded  deeply flicking his eyes to them "your hand is bleeding are you crazy."  Jungkook called to me like I was crazy.

He took a step towards me and Yoongi "Jungkook I got it we're going to emergency room to make sure its not broken I got it I have Cameron." Yoongi called.

I watched Jungkook eyes to wide and he slowly nodded and then hurt flash through his eyes when Yoongi did that.

"Okay."  Jungkook muttered "I'm fine alright don't worry." I  told him and Jimin who both nodded Yoongi called goodbye quick before we rushed off.

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