Just One Night

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Smut Warning
Cameron's pov
"Wait Kookie." I rushed being quickly shut up by Jungkook lips on mine as he pulled me by my shirt to lay on top of him as he dragged me into my room since this was the last day the guys would be here.

They finally are heading out for the wings tour they'll be gone for a few months tops maybe longer then that.

Jungkook has been very well needy today and wanted my attention on only him since he wouldn't see me for a while.

Jungkook disconnected his lips from mine gazing at me "Cameron don't you want this?"  Jungkook asked me while gazing at me "I do Jungkook I really do but I don't wanna rush you back into intimate things the guys are here too."  I whispered.

Jungkook nodded "I know Cameron I just wanna spend one special night with before I leave."  Jungkook whispered blinking at me.

"Please just one night?" he asked me quietly I gaze into his eyes falling in and nodded "yeah." I whispered Jungkook smiled leaning up again to connect are lips again deeply.

I slowly but gentle like traced his legs up gripping his thighs then raised one leg to hook around my waist bringing Jungkook up to me he didn't once leave the kiss bringing his hands up to slide up my chest and slowly pull my jacket off and threw it on the floor on the carpet.

I hummed a bit slowly releasing his legs and brought my hands up to crease his chest in his white shirt slipping them up to play with his nipples that harden at my touch.

Jungkook released a low moan from up in his throat into my mouth as he gripped me more "uhhh." he whimpered breathless when I squeezed them between my finger's.

Jungkook broke the kiss his mouth open as each pant left him he rest his head on my shoulder as I continued.

He slowly grinded into me and I made Jungkook lay back down on my bed.  I slipped his shirt off his body exposing him to me really seeing how much he had really had changed.

I gazed at Jungkook looked shy and covered his chest "no." I said fast grabbing his hands and pinned them down away from his body.

"You're so beautiful Kookie you still are." I praised him seeing him blush a bit more looking to the side "thank you."  he whispered.

I smiled laying onto of him still pinning his hands down and slowly made out with him making him whimper loudly when he darted his tongue inside my mouth exploring.

He slowly brought his hips up to rub against my hard on and I whimpered with a grunt feeling his erection coiled with me "oh god."  Jungkook whimpered hard and loud removing his lips  from me.

I released his hands and he immediately tugged my shirt off. I slipped his sweats and boxers off as well when he did the same immediately making my way to his neck to his sweet spot.

He let me have access immediately moaning loudly holding my head in place "shhh Kookie you have to  be quiet Yoongi is the room beside mine."  I whisperer  sucking on his neck as he bucked into me creating friction.

"Okay."  he whimpered tilting his head back to give me more access to his neck once I left quite a few on his neck.  I trailed down his collar bone and jaw pressing gentle delicate kiss pampering his face.

"Cameron please I need you no more teasing."  Jungkook panted heavy spreading his legs for me his hard member out.  I slowly grabbed it making Jungkook gasped and looked at me.

I kept kissing his neck and stroked him at the same "yes uhhh oh god yes."  he cried out looking down at bit watching me pump him slowly to ease some of the comfort.

I wiped a bit of the pre cum oozing from the tip "no prep please?"  Jungkook begged to me he was  begging me fast and hard.

"You sure?"  I asked worried he nodded his hair sticking to his face he licked his lower lip "please?" he whimpered looking at me that was enough to give me a boast.

Taking my hard member I slowly pressed the tip to his entrance making him squeeze his eyes  mouth open as I slowly entered him fully each time.

I groaned from the tight feeling of him clutching it's been to long since me and Jungkook had sex "move."  Jungkook moaned and I slowly pulled out but left the tip and slammed into making the bed buck a bit and hit the wall.

Jungkook gasped gripping my biceps and clung to me wrapping his legs around.  I kept with my actions slowly getting into rhythm with my thrust making Jungkook a moaning mess under me.

"Oh Cameron go harder."  he begged throwing his head back to rest on one my pillows.  I lifted his leg up over my shoulder creating a new angle.

Jungkook gasped and started crying tears of pleasure when I finally hit the spot in him finding his prostate.

"Oh god shit harder right there." he sobbed in bless groaning loudly releasing my arms to gripped the bed sheets desperate.

"You're so big uhhh you fill me up Cameron."  he moaned still crying from bless faster harder.

"I'm gonna come." he panted breathless the sound of skin on skin was loud and Jungkook was just making me more turn on.

I leaned down fast capturing his lips in mine taking in each moan from his mouth into mine "cum Jungkook release." I breathed out feeling him clutch around me more I was close to.

I grabbed his member and started pumping again creating more stimulation "I love you, I love you." Jungkook moaned in a low chant releasing the bed sheet and gripped my shoulders blades bringing me deeper into him.

"I love you Jungkook."  I breathed out in the kiss with one last stoke and thrust into Jungkook he sobbed my name his load being released and a minute after I shot mine in him filling him up.

He tossed his head back pulling me close us both panting. I pecked his lips which he did back softly gripping me more.

"I love you."  he whimpered sounding tired I smiled kissing his shoulder blades and neck again "you okay."  I whispered he nodded.

I chuckled a bit "let me clean you up before you sleep?"  I suggested slipping out of him which he whimpered a bit with a hiss when I slipped out and he rubbed my back some more just one night I thought.

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