It Could Back Fire

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Jungkook's pov
I laid on bed in a deep silence while Taehyung was on his bed as well doing something on his phone.

I hate still being in love with the man who has made my heart flutter who had made my trainee year the best time I could ever have to date someone as long as me and yet still break me at the same.

I was looking at my wall in a small little haze since we had a fan meet today which I'm ready to get started with "aye  Yoongi where's Cameron!"  I heard Namjoon shout in the hallway.

I heard a lot of footsteps "I'm right here I'm going to work alright."  I heard Cameron's smooth voice speak making me shut my eyes.

I feel bad for blowing up on him the way I did I know none of this really should have happen but I'm now upset with my eomma I haven't really talked to Cameron in a view weeks.

He's been here for so long and its awkward and I hate awkward "you know Jungkook if you keep being the stubborn person you are you might lose him for good  this time."  Taehyung called out softly my heart ached a bit.

"I already lost him Tae there's no reason to try anymore when he doesn't love me anymore."  I whispered hiding the tremble behind my voice.

"You can't just give up the Kookie I know never gives not on anything not on dance not on singing not even on something as powerful as love."  Taehyung snapped.

I slowly turned on my other side gazing him "I'm weak Taehyung and we all know that  I'm not over a heart break three years ago because I hate to say it I need him."  I said softly

Taehyung looked up at me "I hate it."  I trembled and the waterfalls feel "awe kookie." Taehyung whispered getting up he laid down with me shhing me quietly he hugged me and I returned the hug.

"I hate being weak why does love do this."  I cried in my hyung's chest "it just does. Jungkook alright its okay to cry but you've done it too many times now remember move."  he whispered.

I nodded my head up and down listening to him sing to me quietly but so gentle his deep voice sending a calm feel "get some sleep I'll wake you up in a hour for the fan meet."  he reassured and I stayed like that.

"Thank you hyung." I whispered hearing him chuckle "your welcome Jungkook." he mumbled.

Cameron's pov
"Alright tonight I have to tell tonight." I whispered pacing in my work area of the shop behind the registers there weren't many coming in which let me to my thoughts.

I have to try and get back together with Jungkook its killing me inside to pretend to not be still in love with him when I am I miss his touch, his kiss I miss Jungkook I thought still running both of my hands in my hair to ease nerves.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin told me I need to do it or else I won't be able to because there starting there wings tour officially next month and I won't allow Jungkook to go broken the way he is.

So tonight I'm doing it I'm telling him I still love him I thought nodding he hasn't talked to me for weeks after I explained the big whole reason to the break up.

He didn't like that too much and he still is younger then mine I thought when I licked my lower lip.  I leaned on the display case booth arms laying on it as I watched some customers come in to start shopping.

"Jeon Jungkook why do you still shake my heart."  I whispered with a small smile at the silly way I used it.

Let's get this day fulfilled they have a fan meet today when they get back they'll be tired but Jungkook always takes a shower before he falls out to sleep.

That seems like a good plan in my head but everything could back fire as well I thought clicking my tongue a bit.

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