Chapter 4: A Reunion to Remember!

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Narrator: As we left our heroes, Serena caught a new Pokémon to her team, Skitty! During the intense battle, May and Max were stunned to learn that Serena actually knew their old friend, Ash Ketchum. Now, what will Serena's response be?


As Skitty and I got along, Max surprised me with a question I never wouldn't expect.

"Serena, how do you know Ash Ketchum?" He asks me. I was quiet for a moment, trying not to blush, mostly not to reveal to them that I had a crush on him.

"He and I go way back. We first met each other as children in Professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camp. When I was little, I got lost in the woods and I got scared by a wild Poilywag and tripped my knee in the process. I knew that I really didn't want to go to that camp in the first place."

May was curious as she and Max listens to my history with Ash. "So what happened next?" She asks.

I pulled my short hair back, "Well, someone came out of the bushes, looking for that Poilywag and it turns out to be Ash. He notices me and asks me if I was all right and introduces himself to me. He gave me this handy and tied around the injured knee. Then he told me this catchphrase I'll never forget."

"And what could that be?" Max asks.

I replied, " ' Don't give up until it's over." And we went back to Camp. After Camp was over, we went back to our separate lives. Then it happened. Ash was in his first day in Kalos, and there was news on TV that he was helping out an out of control Garchomp, who was under controlled collar by Team Rocket's inventions."

May sighs, "Team Rocket. Why am I not surprised?" Max nodded, agreeing with his sister, "Team Rocket always cause trouble, no matter what Region Ash is in."

"Luckily, Frokie, his starter Pokémon was smart. He uses his fumbles, making sure he didn't fall in Prism Tower. Then Pikachu uses Iron Tail to get the collar off. Then something happened which would terrify you."

Both siblings looked at one other.

"A piece of the Prism Tower broke off, causing Pikachu to fall and Ash jumped off the top of the Tower to rescue him."

"He did What?!?" May and Max yelled, shocked.

I giggled, "Well, it did happen, when the TV news got a closer vision, I realized it was indeed Ash and so I decided to track him down and I did.

He didn't remember me at all until I returned the handy back to him and joined him on his Journey. He was the one who helped me with realize my dream to be a Performer in the first place and now he's supporting me of being a Coordinator."

May said, "Wow, I guess that Ash never changed since I last saw him in Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup."

I said, "Wait you two knew Ash too?"

"Yeah. He was kind of like a mentor to me and Max." May explains, then Max suddenly runs off.

"Max! Wait up!" We exclaimed, running after the Trainer.


I hear a voice calling me. It was an familiar voice that I recognize anywhere.

"Max... where are you?" The Pokémon asked. I run as fast as I could and then I saw it. It was my old friend, Ralts.

"Ralts! I thought that was you calling me! How you been?" I asked him.

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