Chapter 9

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(Murdoc's POV)

Sweat Satan was he gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful…

I his body was flushed red, and the scars and scratches just added to the color. Hickeys joined my masterpiece moments later, along with a fresh sliver of canvas when I pulled down his jeans.

By now, the bruises on his hips had faded into a sickly yellow on his hips. Had I really held him that hard? I don't remember it being this bad.

I threw his jeans across the room, letting them hit the door. I pushed my belt down to my thighs, tearing into the pocket to pull out a familiar bottle. I put my hand on his arse, loving the soft feeling of his skin against mine. He tensed at the all too familiar click of the bottle opening.

“Don't act so innocent, ya should know the drill by now…” I waited for him to respond. He hadn't. I leaned my body down into his, my stomach flat against his back, taking the hand I had against his neck and running it through his hair. “Come now luv… this ain't no fun if ya don't play along…”

“This isn't fun.”

That's it? That's all he's gonna say. He's not even struggling.

“What's wrong now? I've fucked ya higher than this and ya we're still squirmin’. Why aren't ya now?”

His hands moved up just to grab his pillow. The room was silent except for the sound of skin rubbing against fabric. His voice was small when he finally talked, “Just get this over with… just be done and leave like you always do…” His body untensed, but his hands still stayed tightly wound in the fabric he gripped. He let out a choked gasp as a finger entered him, and another as one joined it. It hadn't taken long before he was hot and ready for me.

I lined myself up with his arse, and left the head slip in. “Fuuu~ck… you're still so tight…” I left myself to slip in the rest of the way, letting out a sigh once I had bottomed out. His body was perfect. Smooth and small and thin. I tested my hands on his bruised hips, but stopped. He let out a whimper of pain once my hands touched the sides of the yellowed flesh. I move my hands on top of his shoulders against the mattress. Different grip, different angles… not as good without his arse in the air for me, but this was alright.

Even when he tried not to, he still pulsed around me. So hot and tight and smooth, I really wouldn't last long inside him like this. Especially with him tensing every time I moved.

I pulled out a bit and thrusted back in, making him tighten further. Yeah, I wasn't gonna last long.

I got a rhythm quickly, knowing what to hit and we're to touch him. He was hard underneath me, and he didn't dare touch himself.

Hitting his g-spot was always fun to watch. How he tried to bite his lip and, and the rest of his face twisted up, trying to hide how he liked it. And I knew he liked it, even if he denied it. I could hear the little moans he let out. The struggled gasps for breath everytime I hit his prostate. Beautiful.

“M-Murdoc, slow d-down…” he gasped out between thrusts, his breathing becoming fast and erratic.

I leaned back down, letting my body hover over his. I bit at the back of his ear before I spoke to him, voice low and breathing shallow.

“Touch yourself.”

It was a simple command really, and I thought he might have wanted some kind of permission, but he hadn't made a move. I took one of the hands I had on his shoulder, and quickly ran it through his hair before bringing it to his hip. He let out a whimper at the contact, but I let my hand slip around his body and grab a hold of him. His whimpers turned into yelps and squeaks soon after. Gasps turned to groans, and moans got louder.

His hand grabbed the wrist that was underneath him, and he buried his face deeper into the pillow, refusing to look at me. My hand didn't slow down in the slightest, even when he tried to stop it.

I wanted to see his face. I wanted to look at him when he moaned in that beautifully​ melodic voice of his. Watch what expressions were made when I touched every spot that made him tense. Be able to…

He dug his nails into my wrist and let out a sharp cry. He just came.

Oh, how deliciously tight he became after that! Fuck I was close…

I latched my teeth into the back of his neck, biting hard as I picked up speed. Moans turned to yelps and grunts turned back to gasps with my sudden change of pace. My teeth bit harder as I finally came, and I think I broke through skin. I could taste blood when I heard him scream.

“Fuckin’ hell, just s-stop already!” He said, moving his head from the pillow only for a moment before bringing it back. Even when he refused to look at me, I could still see the tears in his eyes. He let out another groan when I finally pulled out, letting his hips hit the mattress.

I stuffed myself back into my pants before getting up and walking to the door. I barely got to it before turning back around. He hadn't moved.

“Hey…” I tried, but no response. “Oi! Look at me!” Nothing. I sped my way back over to him, lifting him by his hair and forcing him to my eye level. He let out another weak gasp of pain at the tightness of my grip.

“Why don't you look at me?” I asked, my voice coming out softer than I thought it would. He glared at me, digging his nails into the wrist that gripped him, once again.

He may have looked tough in the moment, but I knew he was afraid. He may be glaring, but he refused to speak and his body was shaking, like he was about to cry…

I let his body drop back to the now dirty mattress, and walked back to the door.

“Next time this happens, I want you to face me.”

(2D’s POV)

He slammed the door on his way out. Leaving me to my thoughts. Once again, everything hurt, except now I was sticky.

I started a bath in an attempt to calm down, but the water was cold, even on full heat.

So here I sit. Covered in cum and sweat in a cold bathroom with half a blunt in my mouth. Pain all over.

Maybe this is Hell.

It’s a lot colder than I thought it would be…

Plastic Prison (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now